Mixed Wrestling

  • Let’s Wrestle Love!

    15.5 Mins. $12.95
    Super sexy Venezuelan babe Kickboxer returns to Utopia to star in UTCS-32, Let's Wrestle Love! In her first video for Utopia, MW-80, Kickboxer Kicks Ass! gorgeous Kickboxer energetically scissored and generally manhandled Ed from start to finish. Let's Wrestle Love serves as the prequel, where she first told Ed she wanted to do wrestling videos and gets him to be her opponent. Dressed in a black one-piece cutout monokini, she scissors, grapevines, and scissors some more, as she uses that built bod to totally overpower him. Kickboxer is a rare find, as this South American beauty combines, strength, skill and enthusiasm to totally out-wrestle Ed. This video features excellent camerawork and lighting, along with some nice closeups of the hottest woman in mixed wrestling, scissoring her man into oblivion! Enjoy!
  • Roxanne Laroux is an all-natural redhead of many talents, including fire dancing, yoga and wrestling.  She's a true enigma because not only is she a free spirit, but she's ultra-competitive and tough as nails.  Her lean physique is all muscle and she has amazing balance, flexibility and natural strength.  Combine that with lightning quick reflexes and session wrestling for 6 years and you have an athletically gifted woman, who enjoys whipping men's butts in mixed wrestling.  In UTCS-139, Lean, Mean, Scissor Machine, Roxanne is stretching out on the yoga mats that she brought with her when she rented a room in Ed's house.  He's trying to work and sexy Roxanne, dressed in a bright blue, cutout 1-piece, has become a distraction.  When he tells her such, she decides its time to teach Ed why it's so important for her to workout and maintain her flexibility all the time.  Namely, scissoring men into submission!  Roxanne sits behind Ed and clamps on a classic head scissor and has him seeing stars immediately.  She dials it up a notch by combining her grueling scissor with a brutal chinlock.  And that's pretty much how Roxanne rolls, taking a normally painful wrestling move and ramping it up with an even more devastating twist to it.  Holds of note include: classic head scissor, figure 4, side scissor, side figure 4, reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, hip-thrusting grapevine, and a body scissor choke hold combination in which Roxanne makes Ed choose which is more painful, her treacherous thighs, or lean, muscular arms.  TRT 16 minutes, enjoy!
  • Lanai picks up the torture in Part 4 of our competitive mixed wrestling series, Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle," by trapping Duncan in a hip thrusting grapevine. A couple of debilitating armbars follow and then Lanai totally finishes Duncan off with a reverse figure four and head scissors! Lanai is an expert at grappling and wrestling and proves to Duncan without a shadow of a doubt who the alpha female is, by standing over him and flexing victoriously! "
  • And so it starts again... In Part 3, of our competitive mixed wrestling series, Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle," gorgeous Lanai immediately hip throws Duncan to the mat and immediately secures an armbar! Lanai moves in back of Duncan for a hammerlock then pulls him into her creamy white inner thighs for a head scissors. At one point Kip asks if she thinks she could pass him out and she says definitively "Yes!" She then goes through the percentage of effort in the squeeze contrasted by Duncan's groans in pain. This is where she really weakens him. The rest of part 3 contains a long figure four follow by a split straddle where Lanai chokes him with her pelvic bone! Lanai is the hottest! "
  • In Part 2, of our competitive mixed wrestling series, Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle," sexy Lanai vs. Duncan. Lanai wastes no time and immediately throws Duncan down with a flying headlock, then effortlessly moves between arm bars and a vast array of scissorholds. Lanai is extremely flexible and shows off with a split/neck choke combo. Lanai continues to work Duncan over with a reverse scissor and figure four, then body scissor followed by a surf board and camel clutch. She lets Duncan off the mat at the end of part 2 when he can't escape from her Lotus (Leg Nelson) Lanai is one of the sexiest women in mixed wrestling! "
  • Presenting MW-47, Lanai vs. Duncan, our 4th wrestler in the ongoing competitive mixed wrestling series, Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle!" Sweet looking Lanai (did we say sweet looking?... We meant Drop Dead Gorgeous) is 5'3" tall and 130 rock solid pounds and she's a second degree Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Laid back and unassuming, she has a little school girl's giggle, yet is unmistakably all woman. And then when Kip says "Wrestle..." all hell breaks loose! In Part 1, Lanai immediately takes Duncan down with a throw and then secures an arm bar, where she threatens to break it. A head scissors, camel clutch, grapevine, reverse head scissors, reverse figure 4, a leglock, a body scissors, and another armbar follow. And that's just part 1! Lovely Lanai is awesome! "
  • Lana Luxor visits Utopia to take on Derrick in another installment of Holy Shit, this Woman Can Really Wrestle! Lana is both beautiful and deadly. She possesses some of the smoothest, most buttery soft skin we've ever seen. She weighed in at 5'7" and 150 well distributed pounds, with impressive 14" biceps and calves and thick 24" thighs. Then she hits the Squeeze-O-Meter™ for 310lbs. of pressure. Lana's been training the last 2 years in BJJ and submission wrestling and combined with her power and athleticism, she has become quite an accomplished wrestler. Derrick has been wrestling a lot of women lately and he's tired of getting his ass handed to him, so he tries to be more aggressive with Lana by going for a single leg takedown right of the bat. Lana was ready for him however, and she counters him and puts our man right on his back. Lana climbs on top of Derrick and secures him in a tight triangle choke. Moving to her side she transitions to an arm bar / foot choke combo and then further maneuvers behind him for a vicious rear naked choke / body triangle combination. We're 2 minutes into wrestling and Derrick is already tapping in humiliation and pain. Now it's scissor time! Lana loves being in control, and she loves asserting her dominance by scissoring her victims into utter submission. First she got his attention with an adam's apple collapsing throat scissor, then a grueling figure 4 in which she drive's her hips forward to really maximize the constriction. Derrick's face is as beet red as we've ever seen it. Highlighting the rest of the match is a punishing 5 minute long reverse scissor, facesitting and reverse figure 4 sequence in which Derrick is unable to defend himself any longer. Burried nose deep into her luscious ass many times, Derrick is reduced to a gurgling mess, able to only clutch at Lana's smooth muscle that imprisons him. Lastly, Lana traps him in a devastating 3 minute long front scissor and front figure 4. Excellent lighting, close-ups and camera angles highlight the action as our exhausted and defeated victim boy is made to beg his final submission. You'll love watching Lana Luxor as she completely out-wrestles Derrick in UTCS-74, Lana Luxor vs. Derrick! Enjoy!
  • It's been 12 years since we were able to shoot with this woman again, however KO is (once again) in the house for another installment of Holy Shit, This Woman Can Really Wrestle!   KO has gotten way more muscular over the years  so we measured her to get the 2022 goods on her, and OMG did she impress.  We're not going to tell you what her measurements are, for that you have to watch the video, but she is massive, especially in the lower body. KO actually popped the Squeeze-O-Meter™, so sorry fellas, no Squeeze-O-Meter™ test on KO, but we are now in the process of making version 3.0 and it will be available soon.  Then we had KO crush a watermelon.  As you know, KO holds the World Record for crushing watermelons, splitting 3 bad boys in just 7.5 seconds, but  this was one of the biggest, nastiest things she'd ever seen.  That said, KO proved to be up for the challenge, she would not give up, and finally split the fricken thing after 4 minutes and 48 seconds.  We speed up a lot of it, so you get to witness it, but not in real time, except for the first 30 seconds and last 30 or so.  Then it's onto wrestling, where Steve makes a decent accounting for himself, before finally succumbing to a brutal reverse scissor and reverse figure 4.  Holds of note include, head scissor, figure 4, grapevine, body scissor, rear naked choke, kimura, standing scissor, straddle, flexing and victory pose. KO is a true warrior and she's back on  UtopiaEntertainment.com.    TRT 19 minutes, Enjoy!
  • Duration: 90 minutes

    Lusciously muscled, bodybuilding beauty, KO, visits Utopia for another installment of Holy Shit, This Woman Can Really Wrestle! KO is 5'7' & 163 all natural pounds. She boasts mind numbing 27' thighs, gargantuan 18' calves, and mammoth 15' biceps. Aside from her model looks and phenomenal chiseled physique, KO is about energy and personality. Her quick wit and tell-it-like-is attitude is perfect for when she faces you mano y womano on the mat. This stage was set early on, when in the intro KO interrupts Kip with 'Duncan's Going Down ... Woof!' The no role-play, mat wrestling format for Utopia's HSTWCRW series really allowed KO to come alive and be herself! In MW-90, KO vs. Duncan, Duncan is game from the start, but KO comes at him over and over again and eventually exhausts him with a spectacular exhibition of wrestling prowess. You see, KO's been training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for an entire year before shooting this video. So, not only can she scissor your head off, she can maneuver you into guillotine's, arm bars, triangles, and a whole host of other debilitating, tap-enducing holds. KO loves to squeeze nice and slow, building the pressure to unbearable levels. Then POP! You're either out, or hoping she'll let go before you go out. KO loves to show her awesome physique in the slinkiest thong outfits imaginable, and by flexing over her victims when she gets dominant position, ... which happens all the time, lol. So, we're treated to awesome views of KO's impressive body & biceps, while scissoring Duncan to the brink. When we make a sample clip, our goal in the first pass is to whittle the video down to a tight 7 minute 'Highlight reel.' In this video when we made the first pass, it was 20 minutes. So, we realized early on whatever we showed in this 1 minute montage was not necessarily going to be the best stuff. That said, we think you'll get a taste of what KO and this video are all about. We feel this is one of the most entertaining videos we've ever had the privilege of producing, and we're sure you'll want to see more of sexy KO! Check it out today!
  • Gorgeous, lusciously built, bodybuilder KO, returns to Utopia for another installment of Holy Shit, This Woman Can Really Wrestle! KO has been described by many as "larger than life!" Not only because she has one of the most vibrant personalities in mixed wrestling, but because she possesses a set of the most massive, man-eating thighs the world has ever known. And oh boy, does she ever know how to use them! She dominates Chuck on the mat from start to finish using a variety of pro, grappling and head scissors. At one point KO drags Chuck off the mat for a 4+ minute long chair scissor sequence, in which she playfully toys with him, taking him to the brink of knocking him out several times. It's awesome! Enjoy!
  • Kiniku vs. Zac!

    11.5 Mins. $10.95
    Kiniku is a super athletic German woman living in Spain. She is best known for her competitive spirit and 6-pack abs. She loves to wrestle both men and women and has been sessioning since 2015.  "Kiniku vs. Zac" is her first match for Utopia, thus an outdoor rendition of "Holy Shit this Woman Can Really Wrestle" shot on location in Barcelona, Spain.  Zac loves to wrestle as well, and at the beginning he makes fun of both Kiniku and Utopia and that is the last time he smiles for the rest of this match! Kiniku takes Zac down and works a nice variety of grappling locks including an arm triangle, rear naked choke and body scissor combination, armpit choke, leg triangle chokes, guillotine, and a few other brutal chokeholds.  Kiniku is really bearing down and out for blood, but Zac proves to be pretty tough.  However, the overall pressure Kiniku brings to bear on Zac's trapped neck is too overwhelming.  Now that Zac is softened up, it's scissortime!  When Kiniku scissors him, her legs expand with solid muscularity.  An aerial side scissor, several reverse scissors, a classic head scissor, followed by another grappling guillotine and rear naked choke, give way to some more scissor punishment as Kiniku straddles Zac and makes him submit as she victoriously flexes her awesome biceps.  Lastly a humiliating slap in his face to show once and for all who is boss!   The preview clip can be found here.  Kiniku vs. Zac is 11.5 minutes in length. Enjoy!
  • Kickboxer Kicks Ass!

    21 Mins. $17.95
    Ultra-hot Venezuelan bikini competitor, Kickboxer joins Utopia for her first ever mixed wrestling video! PLEASE NOTE: Her name is Kickboxer, but this video is mixed wrestling and scissoring! Guys, over the last 25 years we've featured a lot of beautiful muscle girls! However Kickboxer could be the hottest ever! You know South American women have a reputation for sexy legs, powerful hips and perfectly shaped glutes. Kickboxer doesn't disappoint! This fiery latina is built beyond belief, with curvy thick muscle, 6-pack abs and not an ounce of fat anywhere. Top it off, Kickboxer is, in a word, gorgeous! Kickboxer is not one-dimensional, her personality is fun and energetic. She says hello to the camera while flexing and you can immediately see how engaging she is. Kip gets her to pose a little and then she flips the switch, and proceeds to mop the mat with Ed. This isn't some sexy girl playing for the camera just to collect a paycheck. This is an intensely competitive athlete looking to inflict some pain! We knew this was going to be a special video, so we hired a second cameraman and ran two cameras on the entire video. We didn't overuse the second camera but there are some fantastic angles and close-ups throughout. At the start, Kickboxer hip throws Ed to the mat and then climbs on for a sensational body scissor where she practically squeezes him in 2. Then she transitions to a grapevine where she forcefully hip snaps poor Ed into oblivion. You won't know whether to feel sorry for him, or think he's the luckiest man in the universe! Your eyes will pop when you see how thick and dense her fantastic glutes and sweet Venezuelan thighs are. Yum! Kickboxer proceeds to trap Ed into every wrestling scissorhold she can think of. She is a head snapping, flexing machine, as every hold is hit with force and followed up with her flexing for the camera, flashing her beautiful smile and big brown eyes! Her sexy 6-pack is on display the entire video. She uses her strong core to throw Ed from side to side in her scissors with just her legs alone! Amazing! There isn't a lot of trash talk here, rather one of the finest women ever to grace a mixed wrestling video! Check out gorgeous Kickboxer as she dominates Ed in MW-80, Kickboxer Kicks Ass! 21 minutes in length, enjoy!
  • We finally got the chance to shoot with Kelly Winterss and she did not disappoint. As fans of Kelly's know, she is lean and muscular year round and visited Utopia rock hard at about 7.5% body fat. But just in case you thought her muscles were just for show, she hit the Squeeze-O-Meter™ for an impressive 335 lbs of pressure. Imagine what this power-packed dynamo can do to your head if you're lucky enough to have her scissor you in a session! Oh my! In Kelly's First Date," Kelly and Steve are laying on a bed chilling after their first date workout together. Kelly wants to get busy, and Steve is "not that kinda guy." So what's a girl to do? Well, Kelly takes matters into her own legs and mounts him. What follows is Kelly putting Steve through some grueling scissorholds on the way to getting what she really wants ... Steve's virginity!
  • In Part 4 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick! beautiful Kayley finishes Nick off once and for all! Her physique is primed for this moment from years in the gym and various sports participation. Part 4 starts where Part 3 ends, with Nick captured between Kayley's powerful thighs, on his back on the mat, where she immediately maneuvers him into a throat collapsing figure 4. From there she decides more head squashing, neck grinding classic scissors are in order. Weakened and unable to escape, Kayley forces Nick to his hands and knees and traps him in a standing scissors. She humiliates him by holding him helpless and flexing her awesome biceps. He is completely powerless as she displays the muscle that has defeated him. Then Kayley goes to the ground with Nick still trapped in her scissors and polishes him off with throat scissors and throat figure 4's. He's face up, on his back, between her massive gams red faced and in pain. When will she let him go? When she does, she stands over him a flexes again in an awesome victory pose! Part 4 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick is 8.5 minutes and only $7.95. The full 32 minute feature is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Kayley's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • In Part 3 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick! awesome Kayley puts her ultra-fine physique to perfect, punishing, prowess!
  • In Part 2 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick! athletic beauty Kayley continues her relentless assault on her opponent. The first 1.5 minutes Kayley traps Nick in a Jaw cracking throat scissor. The crushing power of her tremendous thighs literally has him gurgling. When she curls back her enormous 15" calves into his throat he can barely breathe. Then she taps him out by maneuvering him onto his knees and applying a brutal standing side scissor. When they face off again Kayley quickly takes Nick down to the mat and straps on a wicked grapevine. This is one woman who's shapely legs are as strong as they look. When she drives her hips in and clenches her thighs and glutes, pain is the result! But Kayley is just getting warmed up. She knows if she goes for Nick's core, she'll weaken him for the rest of the match. So she slides to her side and stretches out her legs in a classic body scissor. Working in and out she drives the air from Nick's lungs. Then she has him ready for a rear naked choke. When she has him good and softened up, it's time for a little Neck stretching, so Kayley twists Nick around for a front scissor. Kayley works him up and down pumping her hips and that's where segment 2 ends... Nick in trouble, again! Part 2 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick is 7+ minutes and only $6.95. The full 32 minute feature is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Kayley's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • This is Part 1 of Kayley vs Nick, our 11th in the series, Holy Shit, this Woman Can Really Wrestle!" Kayley is a national level Figure and Physique Competitor. She's 5'5" tall and 140 solid, muscular pounds! A 4-sport athlete growing up... Gymnastics, Track, Cheerleading and Basketball, she started weight training when she was 15. Kayley is not only powerfully built, she is strikingly pretty with jet black hair and big brown eyes. We were so captivated by Kayley that we interview, measure and have her do some stretching and gymnastics for the first 5 minutes. She revealed in the interview, that she had a serious 6 week wrestling training program as a senior in high school. And there you have it... size, strength, athleticism and technique,... Kayley is one of the best bodies EVER in mixed wrestling! Along with the interview, measuring, flexing and gymnastics, Kayley throws Nick to the mat and squeezes him senseless in a reverse and reverse figure 4 scissors. Reverse fans will be delighted because it is 3 solid minutes of scissoring punishment with great lighting and camerawork capturing wide shots and close-ups Nick's torture! Part 1 of MW-64, Kayley vs. Nick is 8+ minutes and only $8.95. The full 32 minute feature is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Kayley's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • Duration: 64 minutes

    Introducing Kayley vs Nick, our 11th in the series, 'Holy Shit, this Woman Can Really Wrestle!' Kayley is a national level Figure Competitor. She's 5'5' tall and 140 solid, muscular pounds! A 4-sport athlete growing up... Gymnastics, Track, Cheerleading and Basketball, she started weight training when she was 15. Kayley is not only powerfully built she is strikingly pretty with jet black hair and big brown eyes. We were so captivated by Kayley that we interview, measure and have her do some stretching and gymnastics for the first 5 minutes. She revealed in the interview, that she had a serious 6 week wrestling training program as a senior in high school. And there you have it... size, strength, athleticism and technique,... Nick doesn't stand a chance! In the beginning for the stretching and gymnastics, Kayley wears a sexy checkered 2 piece bikini. But for wrestling she puts on a skin-tight, smoking hot, 1-piece thong leotard. You immediately see how strong and athletic she is as she flexes her 13.5' biceps. Kayley takes Nick to the mat and immediately gets her legs on him. Then what follows is 26 minutes of Kayley strategically maneuvering Nick from hold to punishing hold,.. reverse scissors, reverse 4, head and body scissors, rear naked choke, grapevine, standing scissors throat scissors, and figure 4's, are all part of her wrestling arsenal. She completely overpowers him from start to finish, zapping him of all his strength. He can't escape her grip and she knows it, so she pours it on. But Kayley is all woman too. She loves to be sexy while she's kicking ass, so several times she flexes while holding him helpless. Kayley is our newest, and one of the hottest Utopia Women ever! The total running time is 32.5 minutes with stereo sound. The .mp4 download is 1280 x 720p, 3500kbs, and 856mb. We recommend a high speed internet connection to download this awesome production. Enjoy!
  • Kayla Woods vs. Steve!

    17.5 Mins. $15.95
    Kayla Woods is an all natural, strapping, female athlete and session wrestler based in Chicago, IL.  A self-described, "Tomboy," Kayla grew up competing against boys in many sports including, baseball, basketball, volleyball and track.  She loved to playfully wrestle her boyfriends and admits to overwhelming many of them with her incredible balance, endurance and powerful legs, which she intuitively wrapped around them to lovingly crush the snot out of them.  Nothing makes her feel more empowered than to receive a tap, tap, tap, from a male ego, being snuffed out in-between her massive 25" pythons.  A gym rat for many years, Kayla's body, especially her glutes are some of the hardest on the planet and she loves to have her session victims grab her ass as she's crushing you in her inescapable scissor locks.  Witness this video as she makes Steve grab her tush as she tortures him, and then her glutes demo contained within.  UTCS-173, Kayla Woods vs. Steve is another installment of Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle, so we measure Kayla first and then it's just mano vs. womano, and even though Steve is 4 inches taller and 50 lbs heavier, our money's on Kayla.  Indeed she seizes the opportunity and throws Steve to the mat where she traps him in a body scissor/choke combination with an HOM smother twist to it.  That's how Kayla rolls, she squeezes the air out of your lungs, and inhibits your ability to catch your breath again, as she pulverizes you to the brink with scissor after paralyzing scissor, toying with you at her whim, until you tap your feeble submission.  And you will, he does, many times!   Holds of note include, head scissor, hip thrusting grapevine, body scissor, choke, HOM smother, breast smother, side scissor, figure 4, reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, victory pose, flexing and glute worship.  Sexy Kayla took a year and a half off during Covid, but now she's back in all her mixed wrestling glory!  TRT 17.5 minutes, Enjoy!
  • Duration: 106 minutes

    Gorgeous feature dancer and acrobat Katarina Kat is chilling on the couch in her brand new one-piece body suit with drink in-hand when her husband comes home demanding dinner. Rather than complimenting her on how good she looks, he calls her an 'f'ing lush!' Katarina may not be an actual lush, but she does possess fantastic smooth, hard, tan and strong, luscious legs! Katarina was an acrobat and gymnast since she was a young girl, and possesses incredible flexibility and raw power! In MW-106, Kat's Lush-ious Legs, Kat doesn't appreciate her husband's negative attitude, so she decides to turn her 'lush-ious' legs on his head, body and neck. Katarina is 5'9' tall. When she tightens her scissorhold, her lean, muscular inner-thighs, immediately cut off the blood supply to his head. Swallowing becomes nearly impossible, and his ability to talk is severely impaired. Soon he is jello for every other scissor, chokehold and grapevine she can apply. Katarina knows the power her hardbody has and she enjoys making him suffer. At one point she is squeezing him so hard, he reveals he has a mistress. Katarina dials up the pressure at that point and threatens to end him many times. Near the finale, Kat pulls down the front of her leotard to reveal her luscious breasts. She allows him to take one final glimpse of them before she nearly knocks him out with a brutal front scissors. You'll love watching sexy Katarina with her smooth, tan skin completely dominate her woeful husband. Enjoy!
  • Gorgeous bad-ass Skylar Rene is sessioning with Glenn. He tells her he doesn't think she's big enough to handle him. Skylar tells him she's gonna soften him up and then put him out and that's exactly what she does in UTCS-30, Just because you tap, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go! Skylar pulls Glenn off the couch and when he dives in on her legs she catches him in a brutal guillotine. Rolling him onto his back she straightens her legs and traps him in a grapevine/guillotine combination. Then she gets her powerful thighs around his waist and secures a wind depleting body scissors and devastating rear naked choke. Now suitably "Softened up" Glenn's prime for some head scissoring! Skylar is 5'7" and 145 lbs of sexy muscle. Really athletic from years of Soccer, Skylar has one of the best scissorholds on the planet! Her thighs are all muscle, her hips are wide and her perfect round ass crushes the resistance of anything or anyone caught between them. Glenn's already light-headed from her chokes when she straps on the first of many head scissors. This is when the Glenn tap-fest really ramps up. Indeed Skylar ignores many of Glenn's taps and keeps him light-headed from the beginning. If you're a fan of Skylar's, or maybe you've been lucky enough to session with her, then you know her infamous reverse head scissor is coming at some point. Skylar sensing the kill after a grueling figure 4, deftly scoops Glens head in place and for the next 4 minutes tortures him in her reverse until he's begging to be released. Skylar takes pity on him for the moment but then pulls him in deep in a excruciating front scissor. At one point Skylar counts down 10 taps from her whimpering victim. Glenn's now ready for Skylar to finish him off when she shifts onto her back and switches to a front figure 4. Glenn, now on his stomach is effectively a beached whale as beautiful Skylar knocks him out once and for all! She triumphantly stands over him sexily flexing in her victory pose! If you're a fan of Skylar's then you'll love UTCS-30, Just because you tap, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you go! 13 minutes, in true HD 1920 x 1080, for only $12.95. PLEASE NOTE: This clip is available here in the Clips Store as a standalone, or in the Utopia Members' Area. Enjoy!
  • Recently SessionGirls.com was kind enough to shoot a couple of clips for us at their most recent event. This weeks feature is exceptional wrestler Jolene Hexx vs. Ed, in another installment of Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle! If you know anything about Kip and Utopia, you know Kip rarely reveals to the guys who they will be wrestling beforehand. He doesn't want anyone chickening out, or backing out last minute for any reason and such is the case with Ed. Jolene has beat Ed's ass severely a few other times and Kip felt he might be scared to face her, so Kip doesn't tell him. That said, Kip didn't tell Jolene either, only saying to her that she would be pleasantly surprised. So when Jolene skips onto the mat, there stands Ed. Jolene is one of the fiercest wrestlers on the circuit and she's tall, lean, skilled and aggressive. Jolene attacks Ed and takes him down immediately with a guillotine, then maneuvering into a reverse head scissor, thus getting 3 brutal submissions inside of the first 30 seconds of the match. The rest of the contest pretty much goes the same way, as Jolene savagely submits Ed over and over again. We counted 25 tap-outs in all. An awesome, nearly 3 tap-a-minute pace. It's no wonder, just look at the list of holds Jolene throws down ... incredible! Check out Jolene Hexx vs. Ed/a> today. Enjoy!
  • Utopia is proud to introduce Jo in her first ever video, UTCS-197, Jo's Scissor Contest.  Jo is a NPC Wellness and Physique competitor with gargantuan quads that stretched our tape to 27."  The day we shot this incredible woman, we had literally 1 hour with her and tried to sandwich in as much as we could in a short amount of time.  There's also a muscle worship video sometime in the coming weeks. We had several talent available to us that night Van, Cobain, and Bianca Blance and the idea struck us to have each take turns experiencing Jo's scissors, and we let Jo tell what percentage of her crush each victim could take.  There's a classic head scissor, front scissor, body scissor, side figure 4 and a reverse scissor.  Ol' Kip get's in on the fun a couple of times as well.  In the end the winner has to endure one last crush from Jo's massive gams, but then is allowed to crush another victim in between their strong thighs.  Who is the winner?  Check out Jo's Scissor Contest to find out.   TRT 24 minutes, enjoy!
  • Jessika Bond is a 5'6", 181 lbs. Canadian national bodybuilding powerhouse! She has massive muscles and loves to squeeze men into gurgling submission. Jim is a cocky shit, and a veteran of 100's of mixed wrestling videos, yet he hardly says a word in UTCS-118, Jessika Bond Returns!  He was scared beyond belief that just one twitch of Jessika's gargantuan thighs would snap his chicken neck. He just hangs on and tries to survive the ride. We'll give Jim his props because Jessika does not go light. She loves to press harder and harder with each squeeze until he has no choice but to tap his painful submission. Torturous holds of note include: hip-thrusting grapevine, body scissor, head scissor, figure 4, standing head scissor, front scissor, reverse scissor, and her infamous "Jaw-cracker" throat scissor that has to be seen to be believed. Lastly Jessika stands triumphant in a classic double bicep victory pose.  Jessika loves to flex her huge biceps as she squeezes him senseless and she has him all but out, many times.  Do this day whenever we call Jim to do a video he asks, "It's not Jessika Bond is it?"  What do you think he's getting at? Check out the preview clip to Jessika Bond Returns here.   TRT 18 minutes, enjoy!
  • Massive bodybuilder Jade visited Utopia many moons ago in what became her first and only mixed wrestling video. What is especially unique about this video, is it is the very first time we ever worked with Dante. Because it was Dante's first time with us, and we had never met Jade before we made this video multi-faceted. Dante must grade out at above average to continue as a jobber for Utopia, and Jade is to help assess his grades. We start innocently enough with a 4 minute interview with Jade as she does some stretches. She's really flexible for as muscular as she is, so it's pretty impressive. Then Jade treats us to 2 minutes of her posing her muscle packed physique. Then we talk to Dante for a minute and ask him why he wants to work for Utopia. Then onto the good stuff. Dante measures Jade and her stats are really impressive, especially when you consider she's just 5'1". Next it's onto arm wrestling where in round 1 Jade first toy's with Dante, letting him last a little while. But in round 2, she pins his arm in just under 3 seconds. Then we let Dante worship and squeeze Jade's muscles just to build the fear in his mind and lastly, its onto 9+ minutes of head mashing scissorholds! Jade tests Dante in classic scissors, a figure 4, grapevine, body scissors, rear naked choke and finally a front scissor in which Jade dials up the punishment to 100% full power while flexing her awesome bicep. Does Dante make the grade? Check out MW-130, Jade Auditions Dante today. Enjoy!
  • Duration: 84 minutes

    Natural beauty and Brown Belt Judoka Cypruss Allure returns to Utopia in MW-84, It's Just You, Me and My Scissors! Last time we saw Cypruss in, UTCS-26, Cypruss Allure Shows Off, we measured Cypruss ... 13' biceps, 23' thighs, and 14' calves. This time to start things off, we conducted a 4.5 minute interview, in which Cypruss talks about how she got involved in Judo and Tae Kwon Do. Then she gets down to 'her favorite part' ... wrestling! I have to say we've shot a lot of beautiful, ass-kicking females in our 26 year history, but there's something about Cypruss, and the way she dominates Steve in this video, that is really erotic. Maybe it's her flawless technique, or maybe it's her all natural sensuality, or maybe it's the fact she is deceptively strong and possesses fantastic balance. Or, maybe it's her sexy smack-talk to both him and us. She loves to tell you she's going to knock you out while trapped in her inescapable scissorholds. Then, after you tap your submission, there's a little giggle, cute knowing smile and her beautiful blue eyes to the camera. Or, maybe it's that she loves to show off her gym-trained body in super sexy outfits. In this case she wears a black, cut-out, 1 piece, backless thong. On my! Whatever it is she makes it look so effortless as she completely dominates and humiliates victim Steve. All this said, Cypruss gets him down and places him in a classic head scissor to start. He tries to offer resistance and pry her legs apart but she just toys with him as she ramps up her scissors from 30%, to 50% and then a jolt of full power. After that, Steve was never the same. She maneuvers to a reverse head scissor and again toys with him, 30%, 50%, and full power. For the rest of the video Cypruss places Steve in hold after hold making him tap at least 60 different times. These are real tap-outs, not fake like you see on many other sites! And when she's not scissoring him severely, she's facesitting him. I mean she buries his nose and mouth deep. Especially smothering him in her excruciating reverse figure 4. We could go on and on in praise of young Cypruss, but the best way, is for you to watch the video for yourselves. We guarantee you'll fall in love with Cypruss Allure. Check out MW-84, It's Just You, Me and My Scissors today! 26 minutes, presented in full HD 1920 x 1080. Enjoy!
  • Duration: 54 minutes

    Bodybuilding and fitness star Ironfire returns to Utopia in her first wrestling video in almost 7 years. Introducing MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers! This is part of our ongoing series, 'Holy Shit This Woman Can Really Wrestle!' In the last 7 years, Ironfire has packed on 15lbs. of solid muscle. She's also taken an interest in Grappling and trains twice a week. Indeed Ironfire was recruited and trained by Kip 12 years ago and she has always been one of the most competitive women around. Strikingly beautiful, Ironfire also has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. She whips Nick first, then Kid Dynamite. Scissors from every angle, grapevines, body scissors, arm bars and a rear naked choke are part of her arsenal. But as she squeezes you senseless, she let's you know your place verbally. Ironfire is massive, and she gets Kid in a choke and sticks her baseball sized biceps into his neck and throat and practically puts him out! Not content to go home a winner, Ironfire coerces Kip to get on the mat. He tries to sneak attack her and it totally backfires. Kip is left to suffer in between Ironfire's strong, muscular thighs like the others! Check out the free sample clip. This is a mere smattering of the action contained. Ironfire is a devastating, squeezing machine, and in MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers she proves it! 33 action packed minutes with stereo sound! The .wmv download is 1280 x 720p, 3000kbs, and 747mb. Also Check out Ironfire's Utopia Star Profile Here! Enjoy!
  • Bodybuilding and fitness star Ironfire returns to Utopia in her first wrestling video in almost 7 years. Introducing MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers! In Part 3, Ironfire coerces Kip to get on the mat. He tries to sneak attack her and it totally backfires. Kip is left to suffer in between Ironfire's strong, muscular thighs like the others! A prolonged brutal front scissor and figure 4 is followed by a reverse scissor and reverse figure 4. Ironfire is a devastating, squeezing machine, and in MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers she proves it! Part 3 is 8 action packed minutes with stereo sound! Also Check out Ironfire's Utopia Star Profile Here! Enjoy!"
  • Bodybuilding and fitness star Ironfire returns to Utopia in her first wrestling video in almost 7 years. Introducing MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers! In Part 2, Ironfire whips Kid Dynamite. Scissors from every angle, grapevines, body scissors, arm bars and a rear naked choke are part of her arsenal. But as she squeezes Kid senseless, she also lets him know his predicament verbally. Ironfire is massive, and she gets Kid in a choke and sticks her baseball sized biceps into his neck and throat and practically puts him out! Ironfire is a hip-snapping, head and body squeezing machine, and in MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers she proves it! Part 2 is 10 minutes with stereo sound! Check out Ironfire's Utopia Star Profile Here! Enjoy!"
  • Bodybuilding and fitness star Ironfire returns to Utopia in her first wrestling video in almost 7 years. Introducing MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers! In the last 7 years, since her last Utopia video, Ironfire has packed on 15lbs. of solid muscle. She's also taken an interest in Grappling and trains twice a week. Indeed, Ironfire was recruited and trained by Kip 12 years ago and she has always been one of the most competitive women around. Strikingly beautiful, Ironfire also has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. In Part 1, Ironfire immediately flips Nick to the floor and straps on an inescapable reverse scissor. Sapping most of his strength immediately he falls prey to her head scissor and figure 4, where she flexes her massive biceps with him secured between her muscular thighs. Several other scissor leave Nick exhausted and in pain, and he surrenders his defeat! Ironfire is a beautiful, energetic, wrestling machine, and in MW-54, Ironfire Takes On All Comers she proves it! Part 1 is 15 minutes in length and includes the open and Ironfire flexing and talking directly into the camera. Check out Ironfire's Utopia Star Profile Here! Enjoy!"
  • Unless you've been hiding under a mixed wrestling rock some place, you undoubtedly know of one of the hottest women in wrestling. I'm speaking of course about Bianca Blance!  Bianca is an all natural, incredibly sexy, wrestling babe from Italy and she showed up to the shoot in unbelievable shape, with a wasp-like, 6-pack core!  Masked behind her incredibly hot body, is an intelligent woman with a sharp wit, and genuine acting ability. Couple that with boundless amounts of energy and enthusiasm, and you get a small picture of who Bianca is as a person.  What we have come to know about her, is if you have an idea for a video that she can get behind, OMG, sit back and watch it play out.  Such is the case with "UTCS-172, Intruder Alert!"  When we approached her with the idea, she was all in, and this has quickly become one of our favorite videos in our 30 year history!  This video is HOT and we're not just saying that. It has essentially 2 scenes, one in a bedroom and one in a shower.  This is the story about what might happen when a night stalker enters the wrong woman's bedroom.  When he awakens her from her sleep, he unleashes a wildcat.  Scissor after mesmerizing scissor all delivered with savage, break neck speed, intensity velocity and force.  We're talking scissor slams, scissor snaps, front, reverse, classic, standing, facesitting and flexing.  Our dude Steve is also along for the ride too and he told us afterward he was literally frightened of what might happen next!  At one point after nearly knocking him out, she says "are you dizzy?"  When she takes him into the bathroom, she strips him down to his skivvies and reverse scissors him right on the floor before taking him into the shower for more scissoring and facesitting before she completely knocks him out in a brutal classic scissor.  Then she orgasms right on the back of his neck!  Finally a video as hot as Bianca and one for the ages, is this weeks offering on UtopiaEntertainment.com.  Enjoy!
  • Introducing Eckobelle!

    13 Mins. $11.95
    Eckobelle is a lusciously thick national level, female bodybuilder, with biceps measuring 15," quads in the 24" range, and unbelievable eye-popping calves in the 17" range.  She came to Utopia through another session girl who credited us with teaching her how to wrestle and scissor.  Indeed, she heard about "Kip's Wrestling Introduction 1A" and she was all in.  Eckobelle proved to be a really fast learner and we were impressed with her attitude, professionalism, and the ability to take Steve to the brink of consciousness in under 5 seconds.  She's such a quick learner in fact, she went home and put her profile up on Session Girls that night!  That said, we give you here contact info at the end of the cli!  We shot 4 clips with Eckobelle this day and the rest will be coming out soon.  In Introducing Eckobelle, she has had one wrestling lesson, encompassing couch scissoring and some mat work and now it's time to watch her get those huge, powerful legs around Steve's willing neck!  Eckobelle loves to tease and taunt her prey and she goes from soft and sexy, to neck-breaking intensity at her whim.  If you can't break free, (and Steve couldn't) you're completely at her mercy.  She loves to leg snap, and leg slam while scissoring, and with a little more practice, she's gonna be downright dangerous!  Her hip-thrusting grapevine is a thing of beauty.  Over and over she teases Steve and then rams forward, as she stretches out her legs, sending shockwaves of pain into him.  Steve is no pussy and he tries to lift his arms off the mat, but each time Eckobelle forces him back down.  Holds of note in this 13 minute offering include: head scissor, figure 4, body scissor, rear naked choke, grapevine, hip-thrusts, reverse head scissor, reverse figure 4, scissor slams, scissor snaps, and victory pose. You'll love newcomer Eckobelle in her first mixed wrestling video and right now she's only on Utopia!   Enjoy!
  • Introducing Domina Sloan!

    11.5 Mins. $10.95
    We've known Domina Sloan for a pretty long time. It only took 6 years, 4 months, 12 days, 4 hours and 37 seconds to finally convince her to scissor someone for our cameras. But what really convinced her to shoot was when she said, "if Kip bends his knee before me, kisses my feet, and asks in a proper tone, then I just might do it!" The only thing we would do different is have the camera with us, when Kip got down on all fours and begged her. The rest is, as they say, history! Domina Sloan has one of the leanest, most power-packed physiques we've ever seen.  Thick, hard, striated muscle adorns every inch of her.  And she loves to flex and show off her gym-earned body in tiny animal print bikini's.  When Domina Sloan got to the shoot with slaveboy in tow, she said "I'm ready," She added "this is what I'm gonna do," and within 30 seconds she was doing it. Then she did exactly what she said she would do. Put on a show by scissoring her slaveboy to the brink.  Right after the victory pose, she left! She's no nonsense, that's for sure, and we're still wondering what hit us, lol. Holds of note include: classic head scissor, figure 4, grapevine, hip thrust, front scissor, side scissor, side figure 4, reverse head scissor, reverse figure 4, victory pose, and tons of flexing. Domina Sloan is an old school, no nonsense, female bodybuilder, who will squeeze the living snot out of you without wasting a minute to do so. Enough said ... enjoy!
  • Honey is an fantastic, feature dancer, who competes in pole dancing competitions like The Stripper Olympics.  When you meet her in person you are drawn in by her cute looks and sweet, soft demeanor.  What burns inside is a perfectionist who works hard at dancing, and in the gym, so she can dominate on the pole and on the mat.  She constantly challenges herself to lift heavier and do more difficult tricks, and when wrestling she'll turn your lights out in seconds.  In Indecent Proposal, Part 2, Honey treats us to a 2.5 minute strength and flexibility study in which she executes some incredible strength moves that many fitness women would be jealous of.  Then it picks up where Part 1 leaves off, with Honey wrapping her thick, educated legs around Steve's neck. This time we're on a wrestling mat and Honey dominates her prey with some of the sexiest scissors this side of the Mississippi!  Honey brings her "A-game" once again and this time she sprinkles in a fair dose of her teasing smack talk and evens throws us some nice bicep flexes while wrapping those gorgeous gams around Steve's face.  One of the things that makes Honey special is the pure ecstasy she feels when cranking iy to her victim.  You know she loves inflicting some pain, and combine that with her sweet feminine voice asking, "what's the matter, can't take a little scissor hold?" or making him beg when telling him, "I think I could knock you out if I wanted to ... but only if I really wanted" you'll probably wish you could switch places with him. The preview clip can be found here.  Indecent Proposal, Part 2, is 15 minutes in length, enjoy! Check Out: UTCS-183, Indecent Proposal, Part 1!
  • Indecent Proposal!

    16 Mins. $14.95
    Honey is a stunning, super chill feature dancer from Pennsylvania.  She tours the country doing her amazing act in strip clubs across the US.  The 2 things that can get her amped up?  Competing in Pole Dancing competitions like the Stripper Olympics, and scissoring a man's face off in video clips.  The later of course is where we were fortunate enough to come in.  Honey gained her well earned reputation for scissoring on a certain website that specialized in men being knocked out repeatedly in scissorholds.  Honey gained our attention because A) she's gorgeous, and B) the absolute look of glee etched across her face as the victim started twitching from lack of oxygen.  I'm going to be 100% transparent here, we threaded the needle when it came to knockouts.  So we did a scissor test with Honey and our victim Steve and we found the sweet spot between throat collapsing scissor torture and utterly passing out. It wasn't that hard to figure out and indeed, we at Utopia have lived there for more than 30 years, lol.  Honey does not disappoint and is actually one of our favorite shoots in the last few years for 3 reasons.  A) she came in as advertised. beautiful, fit and flexible.  B) she lit up in pure ecstasy with every mind-erasing scissorhold she delivered, and C) she treated us to a 3 minute long pole dancing routine that is spectacular!  There were essentially 4 clips produced the day we met Honey and this is clip 1.  UTCS-183, Indecent Proposal is 15 minutes in length, and features Honey pole dancing and scissoring our man Steve from many angles. The preview clip can be found here.  Enjoy!
  • Lilly Ice returns to Utopia in another sexy role-play entitled UTCS-152, Incessant Text, Meet Relentless Squeeze!  Jobber Steve is all enamored with beautiful Lilly and as we open, Steve is incessantly texting Lilly while she is trying to answer her emails. The phone keeps dinging and with every bell, Lilly becomes more irate.  Next thing you know, Steve pops over uninvited and Lilly attacks him. Blonde, tan, voluptuously muscular and athletic, Lilly really knows how to wrestle. Her specialty of course, her leg snapping, neck wrenching scissor!  She pulls Steve high up in her thighs with his head resting right on her cookie and proceeds to crush his windpipe. Then she rolls him over into her devastating reverse scissor and reverse scissor 4.  When she curls her leg back Steve's nose is buried right into her crack. Then she places him onto his knees and captures him in a standing scissor.  When she leans forward she stretches her legs straight out in an aerial side scissor and side figure 4.  Steve can't take too much of this punishment as Lilly snaps her legs repeatedly and they go crashing to the floor, where Lilly punishes Steve further in her grueling side scissor and side 4. Next she places him back in reverse and finally finishes him off in a head snapping front scissor.  Lastly, Lilly stands over her vanquished foe in a classic double bicep victory pose.  Sexy Lilly Ice is a fan favorite and it's easy to see why when she gets to scissoring!   TRT 16 minutes, enjoy!
  • Sexy session wrestler <a href="http://www.utopiaentertainment.com/utopiastar.php?starid=319&starname=Ava%20Simone" target="_blank">Ava Simone</a> and Eddie Paradise were waiting for Kip to download an SD card and are going at it on the mat. When Kip is ready and turns on the camera, he is happily surprised to see Ava inverted and attached to Eddie's head, in a full on upside-down reverse head scissor. Game-on and hence the title "Impromptu Scissors!" This was supposed to be a competitive clip, but Ava's meaty gams have a negative effect on Eddie's ability to mount a comeback. He dives for Ava's legs and she secures a brutal side scissor. However Ava, dressed in her sexy blue on blue wrestling singlet, is just getting warmed up and what follows is Ava thrashing Ed with some head squashing scissor locks, culminating with her favorite submission, "The Death Grip," and another awesome reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4. Enjoy!
  • Duration: 76 minutes

    Beautiful bodybuilder Megan the star of MW-46, Megan vs. Dominick returns to Utopia and completely thrashes Kip. This video literally has it all, incredible wrestling action, fantastic grappling and paralyzing scissors! Kip was so embarrassed by the ass whipping Megan dishes out, that he has tried to bury this release. For those of you who have had the pleasure of watching Megan wrestle, you know she's super hot, solid as a rock, strong as hell, and can wrestle, grapple and scissor as well as (or better) than any woman in mixed wrestling! For those of you who haven't seen Megan before, please watch her free clips .. she's outstanding!

    MW-76 Free Clip

    MW-46 Free Clip

    In MW-76, I've Got You All Tied Up Megan is being photographed by Kip when she tells him she tapped out this big dude in Jiu Jitsu class. Kip insinuates the dude must have been a wimp. Megan gets insulted and issues a challenge to Kip that she could tap him out in under 30 seconds! Kip is never one to back down from a challenge. He figures he'll make short work of Megan and get back to the shoot. However Kip calls Megan a bitch as they get onto the mat and this just infuriates our buff, blonde, beauty. Now plssed off, she literally throws every submission and scissor hold she can think of at old Kip. Megan takes Kip down immediately and throws a guillotine on him. This just softens him up for the myriad of scissors, arm bars, rear naked chokes, and yet more scissors and locks that she tortures him with. And she doesn't get just one hold on him. It's hold ofter debilitating hold, completely, relentlessly putting Kip down and keeping him forcefully locked up. Her repertoire of holds and knowledge of grappling and fetish wrestling is astonishing! She literally twists Kip into a hundred different holds or more throughout the video. And I have to say, Kip did not just lay down for this woman. He fights back, but our stunning blonde heroine is just too fast, too strong, and too skilled.

    Aside from the complete wrestling dismantling of Kip, he is subjected to one of the most non-stop verbal barrages we have ever witnessed. It's amazing the smack-talk Megan can unleash, yet she backs up every word of it. At one point she has Kip's legs grapevined, his arm twisted around his own neck choking him and his other arm pinned by her other hand and she tells him 'I've Got You all Tied Up!' ... hence the title! Megan is a former exotic dancer, fitness competitor and has several pro and amateur MMA fights. Not only is she a tough competitor, but she loves to show off her amazing body in brief bikinis as she wrestles men into submission! We think this video is awesome, however the last 6 minutes of this video are legendary. Megan twists Kip into a front scissor, reverse scissor, throat scissor and a throat scissor 4 / wristlock combination that is so brutal, she reduced Kip to a gurgling, drooling bowl of jello. He was unable to offer any resistance at all. His neck bent awkwardly, she could have literally kllled him! We figure since we are approaching Utopia's 25th anniversary, it's time for this movie to be released!

    MW-76, I've Got You All Tied Up is a smartphone and tablet friendly .mp4, 29 minutes in length, 1280 x 720 at 3500 kbps and 812mb. We recommend a high speed internet connection to download this incredible production of gorgeous Megan Enjoy!

  • Dakotarose is a beautiful, all natural, 5’7” 123lb fitness athlete from the UK.  We found Dakota on social media and she told us that she was a shy, tomboy growing up, excelling at several sports, and has been doing sessions for about 2 years now, because she missed the competition she enjoyed as a young woman.  She loves to mix it up on the mats and dominate men in wrestling sessions, “with my strong legs and six pack abs." Our friend Pippa in the UK captured this video of Dakota for us. In UTCS-125, I'm Too Strong For You, Dakota displays a really sexy style of wrestling, as she loves to look right into the camera while trapping her victim in an inescapable guillotine or grueling scissorhold. Then telling him how pathetic he is for not being able to escape her clutches. We found out, as you will, that Dakota has a bit of a mean streak too, because when he is completely helpless, she pours it on with jolts of full power.  We loved the sexy look on her face when she bears down, followed by a cute smile, a flex of her biceps, and verbal taunt.  Holds of note include: takedown, guillotine, triangle, front scissor, body scissor, rear naked choke and tons of sexy flexing.  Dakota wears a low cut thong, cut-out 1 piece that can barely contain her natural assets.  She has this chap exhausted, beaten and begging for mercy in minutes.  Enjoy!
  • Sexy, buff, bodacious, blonde, Duchess Dani's is an all natural fitness enthusiast, fetish goddess and dominatrix. However, she owes her incredible six pack abs from daily aerial workouts and stretching through Yoga. She attributes her devastating scissorhold to a combination of tensing her muscular core and clenching her glutes simultaneously. In MW-125, I'm Locked in Your Lease, You're Locked in My Scissors, Dani's work situation has changed and she's having trouble making rent payments and has asked her asshole landlord for a discount. Her landlord (played by Duncan) tells her she's "locked in a 2-year lease." When he won't budge at all, Dani wrestles him down to the couch for the first of many dominating head scissors! She tells him, "If I'm locked in your lease, you're locked in my scissors!" Duchess Dani came to Utopia in amazing shape, tan and fit with 24" quads and 14" calves. Half way through, she takes off her top and reveals her spectacular breasts. Dani is at her peak of wrestling prowess and squeezes Duncan in classic head scissors, classic figure 4, front scissors, front scissor 4, reverse head scissors, reverse figure 4, grapevines and some straddles while flexing her sexy biceps. Excellent lighting and camerawork in this Kip feature highlighting beautiful Duchess Dani's incredible body and scissoring prowess. Enjoy!
  • Duration: 75 minutes

    To celebrate Utopia’s 24th birthday, we wanted to do something special. So we thought we would offer one of our favorite wrestlers of all time … Antscha! If you are a fan of mixed wrestling, you have no-doubt seen Antscha. The Hungarian, blonde, wrestling beauty has it all. She’s hot, super fit, and has championship caliber skill. In this story, Antscha comes home from the gym after training hard. She is sore and wants Tom to massage her. He says “No way!” Antscha takes exception to his attitude and proceeds to attack him. Tom fights back so Antscha becomes furious. Antscha knows every hold and maneuvers Tom from one lock into the next. Her conditioning is fantastic and she never tires. He on the other hand never knows where the next vicious move is coming from. Antscha jumps on him, rides him, rolls him over, punches him and general woman-handlles him. Head scissors, body scissors, reverse scissors, front scissors, chokes, arm bars, figure 4's, chinlocks straddles, pins, face slapping, face sitting, etc., etc., etc … are all employed, as Antscha puts a complete whipping on her beleaguered boyfriend. Several times throughout, as she gains dominant position, sexy Antscha flexes up her beautifully shaped biceps. About a third of the way through, Antscha straddles his chest and removes her bikini top, revealing her perfect, natural breasts. The hungarian wrestling dynamo told me her English wasn’t very good, but we thought her decidedly Hungarian accent was totally sexy, and she loves to talk smack! Check out the sample montage … we had a ridiculously hard time cutting this action packed offering down to just 1 minute. Offered at a 24th birthday SPECIAL PRICE of $17.95! MW-75, I'm in Charge is a smartphone and tablet friendly .mp4, 28 minutes in length, 1280 x 720 at 3500 kbps and 775mb. We recommend a high speed internet connection to download this fantastic production of sexy Antscha Enjoy!
  • Duration: 102 minutes

    After the recent success of MW-97, Every Which Way But Loose, starring gorgeous Nikki Fierce. we decided to release her second video MW-102, I'm Gonna Put You Through the Wringer!We were super lucky to shoot Nikki when we did. She was deep into practicing Yoga and her physique was lean and muscular and her strength and muscle control attained through Yoga, made her scsissors extremely dangerous. In this role-play Nick and Nikki are roommates and Nick owes Nikki $300. He's strapped for cash and can't pay Nikki at the agreed date, so she decides to strap on the scissors. If we've learned anything about lovely Nikki, we've learned her scissorholds are no joke, and she puts a serious beating on overmatched Nick. Watch Nikki put Nick (as she says) 'through the wringer that is her legs' with brutal scissorhold after brutal scissorhold taking him to the brink of consciousness many times. She's wearing a sexy pink bra and panty set and she turns Nicks face brighter red than her lingerie. Her knowledge of wrestling and grappling is second to none, and she effortlessly moves around him at will, inflicting serious pain whenever she feels like it ... which is a lot! Of particular note in MW-102, I'm Gonna Put You Through the Wringer! are 2 really sexy segments. One in which Nikki shows us her inner thigh muscles and why they are so deadly. The second at the end, she shows us her 'special' jiu-jitsu figure 4 lock that can knock a person out with only 10% power. Nikki Fierce is truly one of the sexiest and deadliest session girls on the planet and she had a lot of fun proving it at Nicks expense in this video. Enjoy!
  • UTCS-129-mem I'm Going to Scissor You Over and Over and Over Again! Awesome IFBB Pro Female Physique competitor Denise Wrestler aka Muscle Worship Girl, returns to Utopia to scissor another hapless chap into submission. Denise is always in near contest shape and shows up ripped at 5'7" 170lbs., with 15" biceps, 24" thighs, 15" calves and her trademark 6-pack abs. She's proud to show off her rippling physique, clad in a red thong bikini. In the open, Denise asks him if he's "ready to wrestle," and he exclaims "I'm going to win this time!" Denise, a little surprised by the cocky male, confidently explains to her victim boy "I'm going to scissor you over and over and over again!" and that's exactly what she does. Gorgeous Denise gets him in a headlock right off the jump and twists him to the ground where she immediately mounts him and secures a tight front head scissor. From there Denise makes good on her promise and punishes him in a reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4. We're only 3 minutes into the clip and she's already tapped him out several times and crushed any hopes of making this a competitive match right out of him. He's now putty in her legs and she can do anything she wants to him, so she gives the gurgling little slave boy a proper squeezing ... over and over and over again, until he taps his final surrender. 2 sets of classic headscissors, 2 front headscissor sequences and 3 reverse head scissor sequences highlight the match as Denise shows her fans why she's the sexiest female bodybuilder currently in mixed wrestling. TRT 12 minutes, enjoy!
  • UtopiaEntertainment.com is proud to introduce physique competitor Backzilla to the mixed wrestling world.  Just in time for Halloween is a fun and sexy role-play in which Backzilla puts on a tiny, silver, g-string bikini, to go to a party dressed as Backzilla, the female bodybuilder!  In UTCS-138, I'm Going as Backzilla, Steve demands she put more clothes on, Backzilla decides he needs an attitude adjustment.  She wrestles him down to the ground where she works him over with a variety of pro holds, scissors and muscle worship.  Backzilla is really powerful, sporting 14" biceps and 24" thighs packed onto her 5'2" frame.  When she slams those thighs on you and squeezes 0-100% it's tap-out or pass-out.  Of course Steve is a veteran of 100's of videos  and can really absorb a whipping, but Backzilla is more than happy to oblige.  Flexing, trash talking and making him stroke her fantastic physique at every opportunity, Backzilla maneuvers Steve into grapevine, choke, crucifix, camel clutch and surfboard.  Mixing in a reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, throat scissor, throat scissor 4, front scissor and front figure 4 to completely weaken him.  Lastly she flexes her awesome muscles while standing over him and makes him worship her incredible body. Backzilla is a rare treat in the mixed wrestling world and she's only here right now at UtopiaEntertainment.com!  TRT 14.5 minutes, enjoy!
  • Duration: 109 minutes Taking the session world by storm is Goddess Nadia, and that is for good reason. She's strikingly beautiful, massively muscled, super athletic, incredibly powerful, sweet as sugar, yet utterly dominant! She debuts for fans of Utopia in MW-109, I'm Bigger, Better and Stronger than You! Nadia checked in for our shoot at an impressive 5'8' & 170lbs., with 16' biceps, 27.5' thighs, and 16.5' calves. Side note: a measuring and lift & carry clip is in the Utopia Members' Area now, and will be released in the Utopia Clips Store soon. Nadia is in the mood to have her muscles worshipped and squeeze someone's head. Eddie Paradise just happens to be in the vicinity so he is Nadia's lucky boytoy for today! Dressed in a Victoria Secret, red and black thong bikini, Goddess Nadia unleashes some of the most powerful scissorholds ever witnessed. Her gargantuan legs are smooth, tan, rock hard, and unyielding. Literally, Nadia could crack his jaw if she wanted to, and in fact she has a special hold called 'The Jaw Cracker' just for that purpose. This is where her sweet side comes in. She doesn't break Eddie's jaw in this one, just made it hard for him to eat for a week or so. And just when you think Ed can't possibly take any more abuse from scissor after grueling scissor, and her 4+ minute 'Jaw Cracker,' Nadia straps on a 3 minute long reverse scissor, reverse figure 4 combo and then 1.5 minutes of facesitting to totally vanquish him. Lastly she stands over him flexing, and puts her feet in his face to totally humiliate him. The lighting and camerawork in this video are great and as always, Kip captures some excellent angles and close-ups of this awesome woman as she crushes Eddie into oblivion. Muscle-domme, Goddess Nadia, is a rare treat in the session business, and she's here for you now at Utopia in MW-109, I'm Bigger, Better and Stronger than You! Enjoy!
  • Sexy, all natural, Italian, wrestling babe, Bianca Blance returns to Utopia in a rematch with Ed.  Bianca completely annihilated Ed in UTCS-141, so at the open of UTCS-144, she tells Kip, "I had so much fun in the first match, I want to wrestle Ed again."  But when Kip tells her Ed is done for the day she says "I want to wrestle, I take what I want!"  and she drags Eddie back onto the mat.  This is one of the sexiest videos we've shot in some time.  First, Bianca is in tremendous shape and just exudes sex appeal, and second she is wearing a super tiny slingshot bikini with her gorgeous brown hair down.  About half way through, she moves the bra out of the way and uncovers her breasts. And yes, they are real, and they are spectacular!   She is proud of her body and her knowledge of wrestling holds and she works Ed over with an energetic ass-whipping from start to finish.  Holds of note include: takedown, body scissor, rear naked choke, grapevine reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, side scissor, side figure 4, facesitting and a straddle where Bianca places her cookie right under Ed's chin and says "Do you feel the power of my pussy?"  There's also an ankle choke where Bianca sits on Ed's face and flexes, and another straddle where she opens and closes her magnificent, muscular thighs and humps up and down on Ed, saying "I'm riding your face!"   Then she finishes Ed off with her signature reverse figure 4, while grabbing Ed's package, and an innovative reverse facesit she calls "The washing machine!"  Then a double bicep victory pose while standing on Ed's cock, where she tells us her email address so you can get a private session wrestling beatdown of your very own.  Bianca is one of the sexiest women ever to grace a mixed wrestling video and she's right here, right now, on UtopiaEntertainment.com! TRT 11 minutes, enjoy!
  • Luscious bodybuilding babe Pocahontas returns to Utopia this week in a sexy new role-play entitled, "I Own You!" Pocahontas is showing off the referee outfit the Lingerie Wrestling League sent her for her boyfriend Steve. When he finds out that she'll be seen in public like this and might also start wrestling for them, Steve protests and while stumbling on his words, actually says "I Own You!" As you might imagine Pocahontas takes exception to her chauvinist boyfriend, and now it's time to teach him a lesson. Pocahontas has been wrestling for about a year, however what she may lack in technical expertise, she more than makes up for in sheer strength, determination and ultra-sexy smack talk. We're not BSing when we say Pocahontas' crush is immobilizing. Her constant tensing and un-tensing her adductors as she scissors is nearly unbearable. Her reverse figure 4 head scissor is next level, as she literally mashes his jaw within her vice-like grip. He can't swallow at all and barely breath, but there is no escape or rest till it's time for the next brutal lock. In this case it's her bruising front scissor. One of her favorite things to say as she's pulling you in high and tight, is "Get your head in there!" and when she comes out with that it's time to grit your teeth, because it's about to get real, and she's about to bring the pain! There's no escape for Steve until he's totally owned!
  • Lexa Stahl is a beautiful physique athlete who has fallen in love with BJJ. Her love of grappling combined with her love of weight training has created a dangerous woman who can legit kick your ass. Lexa loves nothing more than dressing in her gi, therefore hiding the rock-hard muscle she's built underneath, and submitting man after man in her jiu jitsu class. In UTCS-254, "I Love Emasculating Men," Lexa takes on a dude who cut in front of her flexing in the gym mirror. When he tells her to "relax," she initially takes the high road and starts to walk away. But he makes the critical error of chasing after her and grabbing her, and that's the last straw. She hip tosses him to the ground and immediately traps him in an armbar. After threatening to break his arm, Lexa decides he really needs to be taught a lesson, by completely humiliating and emasculating him. She's been working on her scissorhold skills and unleashes a severe wrestling beatdown he won't soon forget. Combining grueling scissors with severe grappling chokes. Along with her wrestling onslaught, Lexa verbally abuses the poor gym "loser" with a barrage of insults. "I Love to Emasculate Men!" is 17 minutes in length.  See the clip and get Lexa's direct contact information. Enjoy!    
  • Duration: 93 minutes

    IFBB Physique Pro The Huntress visits Utopia smack in the middle of her competition season. Her body is lean, shredded, muscular and vascular. Her legs are unyielding, iron slabs of feminine muscle. She punishes Steve with some of the most grueling scissors we have ever seen. He starts out complaining about his life and how stressed he is, and then calls her an 'Unsupportive bitch!' That's all Huntress needs to hear to see red, and she viciously straps the thighs on him. Steve is full of energy at the start, but her relentless vice-like scissors zap the strength right out of him. Maybe it's somewhere within the 8-minute long reverse scissorhold!?! We're not really sure, but for the rest of the video Steve is pretty compliant, screaming and tapping his submission many times. He knows she could pop his fricking head off whenever she wants! Halfway through the video, Huntress removes her top and shorts revealing her nice cans, six pack abs, and tight buns in an ultra-tiny purple thong. In MW-93, I Could Just Pop Your Fricking Head Off, you get to see The Huntress' amazing concrete body mashing Steve from start to finish. Steve told us his jaw hurt for a week, after the vice-like punishment of The Huntress' scissorholds. Enjoy!


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