Mixed Wrestling

  • In Part 4 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! beautiful Katarina Kat puts Duncan away once and for all. She shows him a few new wrestling maneuvers, highlighting her strength and flexibilty, then at the end, puts Duncan to sleep between her magnificent thighs! What a way to go! Holds featured in Part 4 include, the grapevine, crucifix, a reverse split straddle/flex combination, an upside down reverse head scissor, a reverse figure 4 and side figure 4 so she can see his face as she puts him out! With the strength, speed, skill and beauty of Katarina, Duncan never had a chance! As a bonus, there is a 1.5 minute segment of Katarina scissoring Kip on-stage during one of her Feature Dancing engagements at a Gentleman's Club in Columbus, OH. Watch as she taps Kip out 3 times on stage! Part 4 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! is 5.5 minutes (7 mins counting the strip club scene) and only $5.95. It is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Clips Store. Check out: Katarina's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • In Part 3 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! sexy Katarina continues her scissoring dominance of her English Tutor! She rolls Duncan onto the floor and really straps the legs on him! Holds featured in Part 3 include, the front scissor and front figure 4, reverse side scissor and hangman figure 4, and then a classic reverse scissor that has Duncan seeing stars! Katarina's hot body is only matched by her lethal scissors ability! As a bonus, there is a 1.5 minute segment of Katarina scissoring Kip on-stage during one of her Feature Dancing engagements at a Gentleman's Club in Columbus, OH. Watch as she taps Kip out 3 times on stage! Part 3 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! is 7 minutes (8.5 mins counting the strip club scene) and only $7.95. It is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Clips Store. Check out: Katarina's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • In Part 2 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! luscious Katarina continues to scissor Duncan senseless. He has no answer as Katarina maneuvers him from hold to punishing hold! Holds featured in Part 2 include, a head scissor where Katrina plays with her awesome breasts, a standing (tush out) side scissor, an upright hangman figure 4 where she uses both Duncan and the couch for leverage, and finishes the segment with a crushing front scissor. As a bonus, there is a 1.5 minute segment of Katarina scissoring Kip on-stage during one of her Feature Dancing engagements at a Gentleman's Club in Columbus, OH. Watch as she taps Kip out 3 times on stage! Part 2 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! is 6.5 minutes (8 mins counting the strip club scene) and just $6.95. It is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Clips Store. Check out: Katarina's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • Gorgeous Katarina Kat is a professional International Feature Dancer, and former Russian Circus Acrobat. She was raised her whole life to perform at a high level, and to treat her body as a temple. She possesses incredible flexibility and raw power! In MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! Katarina's Mother has hired an English tutor to help Katarina's transition to the United States. Katarina thinks he's cute and wants a little more than just an English lesson. When Duncan ignores her attempts to get his attention, the angry young athlete jumps on him and begins his scissoring education. In Part 1, Katarina shows us why the reverse figure 4 and reverse head scissor are her favorite holds. Her creamy, powerful leg jail, is inescapable, and she immediately puts you in fear of being put out! It's a "near-death" experience ... for real! As a bonus, there is a 1.5 minute segment of Katarina scissoring Kip on-stage during one of her Feature Dancing engagements at a Gentleman's Club in Columbus, OH. Watch as she taps Kip out 3 times on stage! Part 1 of MW-63, The ABC's of Scissors! is 6 minutes (7.5 mins counting the strip club scene) and just $6.95. It is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Clips Store. Check out: Katarina's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!"
  • Mistress Trish is known as the "Yoga Mistress" because she has practiced Yoga for over 15 years. One look at her amazing, lithe, muscular physique and you would naturally assume that she spends hours in the gym. However, Mistress Trish told us she's never lifted weights ... ever! Her unbelievable musculature is built entirely through Yoga and diet. There is literally no fat on this woman and you can tell when Rich taps, there is no jiggle whatsoever! Just sinewy slabs of concrete, smashing in on his trapped chicken neck and skull! That said, this was the first time Rich ever worked with Utopia and he gained his scissor slave reputation and new respect from us after enduring Fon, Lili, Ashley Starr and finally Mistress Trish all in the same weekend. We thought we killed him, lol! In MW-118, Thank You Mistress, May I Have Another, Mistress Trish is searching for a scissor slave to keep her terrifying scissorholds in fine tune, and Rich is her newest audition. Her legs are built to scissor and when you see her awesome muscles leap off the screen and turn Rich's face beet red, you'll know she doesn't hold back at all. After each savage press, Mistress Trish makes Rich repeatedly say "Thank You Mistress, May I Have Another?" Only to be followed by the next bone snapping scissor, alternating between scissor snaps and scissor smashes with long stretches of throat collapsing intensity in between. He's being both mashed and strangled at the same time and it's downright painful! For manning up, and enduring her non-stop leggy assault, Mistress Trish rewards Rich by allowing him to worship her muscles. She flexes her ripped biceps and striated inner thigh muscles and let's Rich gently kiss and massage them. Holds of note are, classic head scissor, classic figure 4, front scissor, front figure 4, reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, side scissor, side figure 4, grapevine, flexing and muscle worship. After repeatedly grinding Rich into scissor slave heaven, he can barely speak his lines. Mistress Trish dominantly stands over him and says "I think you need more practice!" Enjoy!
  • Temptress Pixie is a petite female bodybuilding dominatrix living in Las Vegas.  What she lacks in size, she more than makes up with strength, tenacity and and an unmistakable alpha presence.  Her body is cut from steel, and there is literally no fat on her chiseled frame.  Then, she hit the Squeeze-O-Meter™ 2.0 for a 293 lb. scissor press, which is unbelievable for a woman who is only 5'1" and 117 lbs dripping wet.  Her legs are long, lean and savage.  They are the type that cut right into the side of your neck, cutting of the blood supply to your head thru the carotid artery.  They are hard, painful, deadly, and cause her victims to tap immediately or suffer a humiliating knock out.  In UTCS-164, Temptress Pixie vs. Ed Pixie throws Ed down to the mat with a nice headlock  and immediately grapevines him.  Then she straddles him where she smashes her pussy right up under his chin in what she likes to call a "Pussy choke."  After a brutal body scissor, she reverses on top of Ed trapping him in her 69 scissor!  This is where you can really see Pixie inflict some pain, as her tight legs and ass constrict around his neck and you can see the agony etched on Ed's face.  After that, Ed is toast and Pixie really asserts her dominance.  Classic, head scissors, figure 4's, both front and reverse facesitting, as well as more punishing reverse scissors and reverse figure 4's are in store for him.  Lastly Pixie stands over her prey, flexing in a classic victory pose.   TRT 10 minutes, enjoy!
  • Duration: 72 minutes

    Ludella Hahn, also known in mixed wrestling circles as Nessie Squeeze is a super sexy pinup model and burlesque performer. Hack photographer Nick hires Ludella for a photo shoot. Nick can't take a decent photo to save his life, so he rudely instructs Ludella to change into 4 different outfits. He blames her for the bad pictures and calls her a 'Temperamental Redhead!' That's all Ludella can handle and she rips into Nick. Ludella (Nessie Squeeze) has humongous thighs and a legendary scissor hold. She engulfs Nick's head with those massive gams from every angle. Every scissor form Ludella has cruel intentions, but given the insults from overmatched Nick, Ludella packs those scissors with emotion and intensity. She jolts his head and neck over and over again, and Nick cannot believe the punishment that he is kept to endure. Along with her smoking physique, Ludella has an awesome personality, and she unleashes an entertaining verbal assault as well. Check out the free sample clip, this is a mere taste of Ludella's temper-mental scissors! MW-72, Temperamental Redhead! is 26 minutes with stereo sound. The .mp4 download is 1280 x 720p, 3500kbs, and 700mb. We recommend a high speed internet connection to download this awesome production. Don't forget to check out Ludella's Utopia star profile here. Enjoy!
  • Hungarian beauty Sheena has many interests and does them all with energy, enthusiasm and expertise. She is an accomplished model, world class Jiu Jitsu competitor, businesswoman, and quite possibly the best session woman on the planet. She has also been training hard to make the switch from wellness to figure, and has put on tons of quality muscle. Her biceps are now 15," her thighs 26," and her calves topped 16." During some much needed downtime she puts on her MMA gloves to do a little shadow boxing. Striking was never really her thing, but make no mistake, with some practice, Sheena could rule the ring too. And that's pretty much how Sheena rolls, even when chilling she is constantly tuning her technique to better herself. Whether it be numerous modeling gigs, sessions, or bodybuilding and judo competitions, Sheena strives to be the best. She's punching right into the camera when her big-mouth friend Steve enters and tries to give her some advice on her punching technique. Maybe he could use a little work on his timing and tact, because he upsets our buff beauty. Turning the gloves on Steve she starts to wail on him. Thus begins Steve's beatdown. Throws, arm bars, guillotines, chokes, knee lifts, knee drops, kicks, scissors and numerous strikes soften him up for the final rear naked choke that ends his day. She even bloodies his lip at one point, but keeps on striking. Wearing a form fitting white thong body suit, you'll love seeing sexy Sheena taking apart Steve, in UTCS-155, Technique, Huh? TRT 12 minutes, enjoy!
  • In Part 4 of Taylor vs. Nick, Taylor traps Nick in a brutal head scissor and works him over with head snapping hip thrusts, figure 4's and chinlocks. She flexes sexily for us and innocently exclaims "You're not gonna beat me!" A few more hip thrusts follow and he is now suitably softened up for her finishing move ... the reverse head scissor! She places her massive thighs around his head buries it deep in her young, fine, muscular ass and smashes him. Taylor's beautiful backside is on display in the reverse for 4+ minutes as she finishes Nick off. Then our sexy heroine stands over her beaten foe, flexing in a classic victory pose. Part 4 of MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick, is 7.5 minutes in length and only $7.95. The full 30 minute MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out Taylor's Utopia Star Profile here to see this awesome young mixed wrestling beauty today!
  • In part 3 of Taylor vs. Nick, built Taylor immediately takes Nick down to his back with an awesome headlock hip-toss. Nick is stunned briefly which allows Taylor to jump on him with a skull crushing reverse headscissor and figure 4. Unable to escape, Taylor releases him briefly and then captures him in an unbreakable body scissor and choke combination! Part 3 of MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick, is 5.5 minutes in length and only $5.95. The full 30 minute MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out Taylor's Utopia Star Profile here she's a beautiful, young, power-packed wrestling machine!
  • in part 2 of Taylor vs. Nick, sexy young wrestling superstar, Taylor clamps on an aerial side scissor. Taylor deftly maneuvers Nick to his back where she secures his arm and tightens his neck hold with a figure 4. Her legs are so muscular and massive, Nick can hardly breathe. Taylor presses her legs straight and back to figure 4 over and over, to keep Nick in pain and let him know there is no escape for him! Part 2 of MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick, is 7 minutes in length and only $6.95. The full 30 minute MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out Taylor's Utopia Star Profile here to see sexy Taylor completely woman-handle Nick!
  • In part 1 of Taylor vs. Nick beautiful, young, athlete-next-door Taylor tells us she is going to win! Taylor starts with a fantastic undertook throw, where she pounces on him with a brutal body scissor. Taylor says she likes to attack the body first, because when she takes her opponents wind, she takes his fight too. Nick was still fighting back when Taylor turned her advantage into a paralyzing grapevine. Her thick hips and muscular tush give her incredible power and balance. Hip thrust after grueling hip thrust knock Nick's breath from him as Taylor literally pins him to the mat. When she feels he has little left, it's time for some head scissoring. She deftly moves up to Nick's head and pulls him into a front scissor. Moving to her side she works Nick over with both figure 4 and straight leg scissors. Part 1 of MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick, is 8+ minutes in length and only $7.95. The full 30 minute MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out Taylor's Utopia Star Profile here. Taylor's just beginning to use that young, tight, voluptuously muscled body to out-wrestle Nick!
  • Duration: 73 minutes

    Since we first presented clips of 20 year old fox Taylor in our members’ area, she has become one of the most requested women on UtopiaEntertainment.com. Introducing MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick the 13th in our ongoing series, “Holy Shit, This Woman Can Really Wrestle!” Taylor is blessed with incredible genetics and an intense competitive attitude, Sexy Taylor has been competing in “Tough Mudder” events for the last 3 years. Taylor is a natural beauty, really pretty and tough! And she always finishes what she starts. When we first met Taylor and explained that we like the women to use scissor holds in the matches, she interrupted and said “I know what you want!” Then Taylor told me the following story. When she was a young Tomboy in rural Ohio, a school boy used to call her “tree trunk” … a reference to her enormous muscular legs. One day he started teasing her, and several other boys joined in. She tried to walk away but the boy pushed her. At that point she threw him down and climbed on top of him. One of the nice things about having big powerful legs is big powerful hips too. He could not buck her off, but he was squirming so much that he twisted to his side. Taylor instinctively wrapped her meaty thighs around his waist. For a moment the pressure of her first body scissor paralyzed him, but then he became even more frantic. Swearing at her with abandon, he wriggled her legs up to his chest. Taylor thought he might actually get free, and she wanted to shut him up for good, so she threw one leg, then the other over his shoulders and trapped his head. At that moment she snapped her legs out and mashed the boys head til it practically disappeared in her thighs. At first the panic stricken youth thrashed wildly, but Taylor stayed with it. Within a minute he lay still, exhausted and defeated. Taylor hardly noticed and kept pressing her scissors. Some of the other boys begged her to release him, fearing she might have killed him. When she released her grip she stood over him. He was still breathing, but barely conscious. Taylor told him “if you ever say anything about my legs again, i’ll kill you!” Then she turned to the others and said “The same goes for the rest of you!” I couldn’t help thinking about her story as I filmed MW-73. Taylor throws Nick down and climbs on him immediately trapping him in a body scissors. She says she likes to attack the body first, because when she “takes her opponent’s wind, she takes his fight too.” Nick was still fighting back when Taylor turned her advantage into a paralyzing grapevine. Her thick hips and muscular tush give her incredible power and balance. Hip thrust after grueling hip thrust knock Nick’s breath from him as Taylor literally pins him to the mat. When she feels he has little left, it’s time for some head scissoring. She deftly moves up to Nick’s head and pulls him into a front scissor. Moving to her side she works Nick over with both figure 4 and straight leg scissors. She could have got up right then and Nick would have been done, but not Taylor! She’s gonna totally finish him! She pounces on him with a side scissor. Nick tries to get up, but Taylor stays with him and eventually flops him over to his side. When Taylor grabs his arm, she has Nick’s head facing one way and his body the other. Taylor tells him, “You’re so fucked!” Then she hits him with several figure 4’s and some throat scissors. Nick is forced to tap his submission or be decapitated by the young femme fatale. Taylor loves the combination holds because in her words, “it makes it near impossible to break free!” For round 2, Kip told Taylor to dial it up … That just cause she had softened him up in round 1, was no reason to not give it everything she had. So round 2 starts with an immediate headlock throw to Nick’s back, where sexy Taylor drops on him for an eye-popping reverse head scissor and figure 4. She releases him after a couple of minutes and moves behind him before he can get up. Then Taylor puts Nick through another dose of rib breaking body scissors. From there Taylor works a classic head scissors and figure 4 and a 3.5 minute reverse scissor and reverse figure 4. Nick taps his final submission pinned helplessly underneath her, and high up in the gorgeous young woman’s gargantuan thighs! In the end Taylor stands over Nick in a classic victory pose and exclaims, “I win … again!” We’re left to ponder how many boys have suffered humiliating submissions to this young powerhouse before? MW-73, Taylor vs. Nick is a smartphone and tablet friendly .mp4, 26.5 minutes in length, 1280 x 720 at 3500 kbps and 750mb. We recommend a high speed internet connection to download this fantastic production of sweet, deadly taylor! Check out Taylor's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!
  • Newcomer Tasha Black was introduced to us by another dominatrix friend of ours. When we first talked with Tasha about scissoring she told us she'd been doing scissors in her sessions for years, and really loves it when her victim's faces turn purple from the pressure she can exert with her relentless thighs. Super athletic and growing up as a track star, Tasha has always had long, lean, powerful legs, and she had to work them out 5 days a week to compete at the high school level. At the same time she was exploring her dominant side and soon realized the effect her fantastic gams had on boys. When she wasn't turning boy's heads with her shapely glutes, thighs and calves, she was trapping boys heads between them and crushing the daylights out of them. Tasha discovered how to get what she wanted, and it was mostly because of her awesome underpinnings. We knew from talking with her in advance of the shoot we were in for an exceptional scissoring treat. In UTCS-57, Tasha Black Turns Him Blue, Tasha displays her fit body for boyfriend Ed in her brand new sexy animal print monokini. Ed asks her "You bought another stripper outfit?" and throws some money at her feet. This infuriates our dominant heroine, and next thing you know she hip throws Ed to the floor for a scissoring lesson he won't soon forget. For Tasha, scissoring is an art form and she puts her heart and soul into punishing men who are stupid enough to get caught in this position. Tasha's lithe legs grip Ed's neck ruthlessly, causing him extreme pain and to tap out to her many times. When Tasha gets you in one of her punishing locks she literally grinds away at your neck until you can't take anymore. Then she lets go for a moment fooling you into thinking she's let you go, and BAM, a position shift and you're caught in the next grueling scissor. In addition to her wrestling prowess, Tasha delivers some awesome smack talk, beating him down not only physically, but mentally as well. Highlighting this clip is a brutal reverse scissor and reverse figure 4, a crushing side scissor and side figure 4, some well timed HOM smothers and a 6+ minute head scissor and scissor 4, after which Ed was completely spent. Please enjoy our newest Utopia starlet Tasha Black in UTCS-57, Tasha Black Turns Him Blue!
  • In part 3 of Talia vs. Nick gorgeous natural athlete Talia maneuvers Nick into a classic figure 4. She makes Nick tap twice under the pressure and tells him "I'm going to drain you of everything, your energy, pride..." and then at one point while holding him helpless and flexing her awesome peaked biceps, she looks directly into the camera and says "You see this boys?" When she releases him, she shows him she knows a little high school wrestling by turning him onto his back with a half nelson, where she captures him once again in a 3.5 minute reverse scissor. Talia loves this hold and we do to as you can see her perfect, muscular, beautiful tan derriere work him to exhaustion. When she put the reverse figure 4 on him, he is wedged so high and tight escape is impossible. Nick's final submission occurs when Talia rolls him onto his stomach and throws the camel clutch on him. She bends him backward making him tape not once but twice. In the end Talia flexes for the camera once again while perched directly on Nick's back. You'll love watching Talia completely destroy Nick. Part 3 of MW-68, Talia vs. Nick, is over 8 minutes and only $7.95. The full 28 minute MW-68, Talia vs Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 3 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Talia's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!
  • In part 2 of Talia vs. Nick, sexy, tan beauty, Talia throws Nick to the mat where she immediately hops on him for a 2.5 minute grapevine. This is one of her specialties she uses to soften up her prey. Hip thrust after grueling hip thrust keeps Nick pinned and just for good measure she puts him in a headlock smother. When she's ready she rolls onto her side and places Nick in her body scissor sleeper combination. For the next 3.5 minutes she tortures him, her legs right across his ribs and her arms perfectly placed across his throat. She asks "Which is worse Nick, my arms (squeeze) or my legs (squeeze)" With each tense of her powerful body Nick screams in pain. Then because he's ripe for more punishment, Talia moves in back of him for a 3.5 minute classic head scissor. Talia is a squeezing machine. Her smooth, tan body on display as she snaps his head forward over and over. Nick's face beat red and his eyes tearing from the pressure as we end part 2. Part 2 of MW-68, Talia vs. Nick, is 10.5 minutes and only $9.95. The full 28 minute MW-68, Talia vs Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 3 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Talia's Utopia Star Profile here! In a word ... awesome!
  • In part 1 of Talia vs. Nick, is another clip from our very popular series "Holy Shit This woman Can Really Wrestle and features ultra-hot http://www.utopiaentertainment.com/utopiastar.php?starid=255&starname=Talia" target="_blank">Talia. Talia is, in a word... gorgeous! Smooth, sun-kissed tan skin and jet black, straight hair. Her body is packed with muscle, cultivated by 12 years in the gym and various sports while growing up. When we told her should would be wrestling boys, she just looked me in the eye and asked, "when do you wanna shoot? In part 1, she takes Nick down to the mat and immediately places the reverse scissor on him. What follows is 8 minutes of this incredible woman humiliating her male opponent in her inescapable grasp. Close-ups abound from every angle we could capture as she maneuvers him in and out of incredible tight reverse figure 4 to straight leg scissors. She snaps his head repeatedly,.. he can't hear since his ears are bent over and he can't hardly swallow because his throat is being crushed, Nick is in real peril. This clip is a special treat for fans of sexy women completely dominating men in the reverse scissorhold, and Talia is one of the best at applying it! Part 1 of MW-68, Talia vs. Nick, is 9 minutes and only $8.95. The full 28 minute MW-68, Talia vs Nick is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 3 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Talia's Utopia Star Profile here! Talia is fine!
  • Duration: 68 minutes

    We are pleased to present MW-68, Talia vs. Nick, our 12th in the Series 'Holy Shit, this Woman Can Really Wrestle!' Talia is a completely natural, fitness enthusiast and literally the hot, fit, all-american, girl-next-door. Indeed, that's how we found Talia, she lives next door to my best friend! When I first laid eyes on her she was carting groceries up her front walk dressed in short shorts and a halter. After I picked my jaw up off the sidewalk I knew what I had to do. Talia is, in a word... gorgeous! Smooth, sun-kissed tan skin and jet black, straight hair. Her body is packed with muscle, cultivated by 12 years in the gym and various sports while growing up. When we told her should would be wrestling boys, she just looked me in the eye and asked, 'when do you wanna shoot?' In this video, Talia gets angry that Nick tells me he should have whipped her in their first match. Nick is 6 inches taller and 40 lbs heavier, but Talia's strength, speed, skill and enthusiasm overwhelm him. Before you know it Talia tosses Nick to the mat and secures him in a Reverse Head Scissor. What follows is a deliberate attempt by Talia to hurt Nick in a few carefully calculated wrestling maneuvers. The first Reverse Head Scissor and Reverse Figure 4 is nearly 8 minutes by itself. Her torturous Hip-Thrusting Grapevine is 2.5 solid minutes and her Body Scissors/Choke combination is over 3.5 minutes. She follows that up with a 6 minute long Classic Head Scissors and Figure 4 where she flexes her beautiful biceps. Then out of nowhere she throws a Half Nelson on Nick and flips him on his back for another 3.5 severe minutes of Reverse Scissoring. She snaps his neck repeatedly to make sure Nick is completely spent. When she lets him go, his recovery is brief as she turns back around and finishes him with a brutal Camel Clutch. Check out the quality of the sample montage clip and pics, these are all direct lifts from the download. Talia vs. Nick is entertaining from start to finish as sexy Talia knows how to wrestle and knows how to talk smack. Nick never knew what hit him. MW-68, Talia vs. Nick, is 28 minutes of awesome wrestling/scissoring action in stereo sound. It is a smartphone and tablet friendly .mp4, 1280 x 720 high definition and 836mb. Enjoy!
  • All natural fitness beauty Talia returns to Utopia to take on Glenn. Talia is only 5'1" tall and 130lbs. However, her flawless skin and natural Italian features, combined with a sexy, muscular physique, make her a fan favorite. Kip figures Talia has whipped up on every other guy she's ever wrestled, so why not challenge her with the big guy Glenn? Glenn is literally 9" taller and 140lbs. heavier. But if Glenn has a weakness it's his neck. It's so wide that a woman such as Talia (with thighs of steel) can really knock him out in her scissorholds. Talia is intensely competitive, has the heart of a champion and loves a challenge, so when we brought out Glenn she wasn't the slightest bit intimidated. In fact she says, "I think I can take him!" Glenn, on the other hand, completely underestimates Talia's strength, thick thighs and scissoring technique and scoffs at the mere notion that she stands a chance. In the beginning Talia latches on to Glenn's neck right away, and he finds out really fast, when Talia has you in her grip, it is damn near impossible to break free. Any attempt to escape is met with a chinlock or Talia repositioning his head higher and tighter within her smooth, powerful gams. Talia's hip-thrusting front scissor is particularly devastating as is her reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4. Other holds of note are classic head scissor, hip-thrusting grapevine, and an aerial side scissor complete with several full-force gut punches. Excellent lighting and camerawork highlights the action of UTCS-72, Talia vs. Glenn! as gorgeous Talia sends Glenn into twilight, all but unconscious on 2 different occasions with her relentless scissors. Enjoy!
  • Jobber Steve is embarrassed by his performance in UTCS-138, I'm Going as Backzilla, and so in UTCS-143, Take It Like a Man, he tells Backzilla he wants a rematch, saying he is so much taller and also a man that he is supposed to win.  He promises he's ready this time and pushes Backzilla.  Being a female bodybuilder, Backzilla is no stranger to this type of chauvinism, so she immediately goes after Steve and puts him on the mat with a perfectly executed single leg takedown.  From there, Backzilla climbs on Steve which begins a complete thrashing that Steve won't soon forget.  Wrestling against Backzilla is like getting run over by a steamroller.  Her body is hard as a rock, with no jiggle what-so-ever and her scissor holds are like having your head sandwiched in an industrial vice.  Witness at one point in this video Steve tapping frantically and then crying out in pain, saying "please lighten up," which only causes Backzilla to keep pouring it on more.  When she asks him if he wants to give and Steve hesitates his response, she says "More scissors," and then brutally chinlocks him while applying her devastating classic scissor!  A one point hopelessly trapped in her inescapable reverse figure 4, she tells Steve "Take it like a man!"  Steve suffers though a grapevine, front scissor, front 4, throat scissor, throat 4, classic scissor, classic 4, several reverse scissors and reverse scissor 4's and Backzilla even pins him in a cradle to prove to him she is the much better wrestler.  In the end Backzilla stands over the exhausted male and free poses her awesome physique. Backzilla is a one woman wrecking crew and right now she's only on UtopiaEntertainment.com. TRT 14 minutes, Enjoy!
  • Duration: 99 minutes

    Syclone has arguably the best pair of genetically gifted legs on the planet! They are thick, muscular, shapely and strong. Her 16' calves are what leg-lovers drool over. Her eye-popping glutes are what ass-men are drawn to, but it's her mammoth thighs that can do major damage when caught in her scissorhold. The idea for MW-99, Syclone's Scissor Experiment was born when we watched the reaction from men as Syclone walked by at the Arnold Classic. She left a trail of heads turned and mouths agape. It's not all legs and ass, Syclone is pretty! And, she has a flirtatious innocence about her that is intoxicating. Syclone goes into the fitness center and displays her monster underpinnings on the treadmill. The goal? Entice one lucky dude to follow her back out when she's done, and 'discover' what her legs can do. Just as we planned one lucky stiff is on a stationary bike as Syclone gets on the treadmill. He cannot believe the view as Syclone works out, and he can't take his eyes off her legs. When she leaves, he follows close behind. At the elevator sexy Syclone asks him if he 'likes what he saw,' and then invites him back to 'get to know them a little better!' I mean what self-respecting male wouldn't, right? But in her room Syclone really let's him get 'up close and personal,' as she straps on the first of many intense scissors. What follows is a beautiful, young woman, squeezing the bejesus out of a man, who never would have dreamed he could be dominated in this fashion. Over and over Syclone presses her legs against his neck as his face turns bright red. Syclone knows the effect her luscious legs have on men, but it's her upper body that she is really proud of. It's taken a lot of hours in the gym to pack on enough muscle to give her body the proportion she needs to compete in physique. And proud she is to flex her round, full biceps nearly 2 dozen times throughout the video ... when she knows she has Gary in dire straits and wants to rub it in. Look at the guide photos and free clip. When she tells him she could 'break his neck,' you know she could! Check out MW-99, Syclone's Scissor Experiment and see for yourself what it might be like to get in-between Syclone's gorgeous gams! Enjoy!
  • Syclone is a beautiful, built, 23 year old blonde with possibly the best pair of genetically gifted legs on the planet! I mean thick, muscular, slabs of concrete with calves in the 16" range. When she walks down the street in her daisy dukes, every single head turns (including women) to watch in awe as her legs pound the pavement. Syclone is not humble though, and she was smack-talking Lance all day, which lead to UTCS-121, Syclone vs. Lance! Lance is much bigger and heavier, but once Syclone gets him in her scissorhold, she saps his energy and strength. Syclone practiced the Brazilian martial art Capoeira for years which included takedowns and ground grappling, so she knows how to get you down and then maneuver you into her deadly vice. Once trapped, it's beg to be released or say goodnight! Holds of note include grapevine, body scissor, head scissor, figure 4, front head scissor, front figure 4, reverse head scissor, reverse scissor 4, and a front triangle choke in which Lance desperately tries to free himself before Syclone nearly knocks him out. Dressed in a sexy checkered bikini with blue trim, Syclone is really proud of her biceps too, so she flexes over lance all match whenever she gets dominant position. Check out sexy Syclone whipping up on Lance today!   TRT 21 minutes, enjoy!
  • We are proud to introduce out newest Utopia badass, Sweet Venom!  Sweet Venom is a 5'7", and 160 lb. professional MMA fighter who loves to be sexy, and loves to show off her skills both in the octagon and on the mat against men.  In her first Utopia video ever, she strips down to a tiny blue bikini and competitively tangles with Alrik Angel, a 6'3" 180lb dude from Texas.  What he has over her in strength and size, she more than makes up for in technique and killer instinct.  She maneuvers him into all sorts of painful grappling locks including, arm bar, guillotine, rear naked choke and kimura.  But when she has him totally whipped and unable to defend himself any longer, she puts the legs to him in 3 different grueling reverse scissor holds. In all she submits him nearly a dozen times.  And there's a dozen or so wardrobe malfunctions, as her beautiful, natural breasts keep popping out all over the place.  You'll love Sweet Venom in "Sweet Venom's Sting," 11 minutes in length.  Enjoy!
  • Sweet Mandy!

    14.5 Mins. $10.95
    There's something incredibly sexy about a beautiful, athletically gifted young woman who can genuinely woman-handle and pin a man flat to his back in real wrestling.  Sweet Mandy was filmed when she was at the tender age of 19. True Story: Mandy's father is a wrestling coach in Ohio and her brother has competed in the Ohio High School State Tournament 4 straight years, placing 2nd two years in a row.  So she comes from a legit wrestling family and has lived and breathed wrestling and gymnastics most of her life.   Fresh from 14 years of competitive gymnastics and 8-10 years of wrestling against boys in Jr. High and High School, Mandy was bored with the modeling gigs she was getting and decided she wanted to show off a bit.  Lucky us, we were in the right place at the right time and here she is!   Some of this has leaked out over the years, but never the entire shoot, and never in Full HD.   John has been a jobber for us on and off over the years, and he actually wrestled when he was in Jr. High and High.   UTCS-159, Sweet Mandy is  a cool match because John legit goes after Mandy.  We were impressed by John, because even after it was clear he was overmatched and outclassed, he kept coming.  Alas, Mandy's superior conditioning and skill took over and John suffers a humiliating defeat at the hands of this beautiful and talented young lady, as so many others have before him.  Our ref needed a little work, so forgive him, but you'll hear him counting.  This isn't how many seconds she has him pinned to the mat, rather how many seconds he has his shoulder blades exposed to the mat in a "near pin."  It's a way of determining if a near pin is worth 2 or 3 points.  We counted 14 near falls and 12 pins in this 14.5 minute, action-packed video.   Simply astonishing! UTCS-159, Sweet Mandy is being specially priced at $10.95 because some of this had been posted long ago in the Utopia Members Area and 4 short clips are contained in UTCS-53, Mandy's Highlight Reel.  Enjoy!
  • Sunni Ray vs. Ranger!

    16.5 Mins. $14.95
    NPC Figure competitor and well known catfighter Sunni Ray. has been working hard on her wrestling skills and has been touring the US trouncing men in wrestling sessions.  In UTCS-218, Sunni Ray vs. Ranger, Sunni puts her new wrestling skills on full display against newcomer Ranger.  That said, don't get it twisted friends, Sunni knows where her bread is buttered and that's in-between her thick, creamy, yet muscular thighs.  First Ranger goes for the takedown, but Sunni grabs him and pivots and puts Ranger flat on his back, where she captures him in a grueling grapevine.  Totally pinned underneath her, she first tortures him with some awesome hip thrusts, before passing to one side while still scissoring one leg, and trapping him in a rear naked choke.  Then she passes underneath his neck again and grabs his other arm for a classic crucifix. Now Ranger is in prime position for what Sunni Ray does best.  Scissor!  Sunni deftly pulls his head back and straps on a brutal throat scissor.  Ranger is tapping and clutching at Sunni's enormous gams, but she rolls right into the first of 2 reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4 sequences. Combined with a sexy reverse facesit and flexing, this is over 3.5 minutes by itself!   Then Sunni gets right behind Ranger in a classic head scissor and figure 4 sequence, purely aimed at punishing her victim. There is some excellent scissor snaps in this 4 minute long scissor, with Sunni Ray going hard, staying relentless and then transitions to a throat collapsing figure 4.  Next, Sunni pins Ranger in one of her new moves, the Banana Split, before she Chicken Wings him into a reverse figure 4.  This is the 2nd reverse sequence and it's nearly 2 minutes by itself. Now with Ranger unable to defend himself, Sunni goes for the throat, literally, by imprisoning him in an inescapable death grip.  He hits her in the face by accident, which pisses Sunni Ray off a little bit and so she keeps him tapping for nearly 2 minutes before she finally lets him submit.  She flips him to his back and stands triumphantly over him in a double bicep victory pose!  This is the mixed wrestling video we've been wanting Sunni Ray. to make!  TRT 16.5 minutes, enjoy!
  • Sunni Ray Scissoring!

    15 Mins. $12.95
    We were super lucky to cross paths, meet and shoot with ultra-fine NPC Figure Competitor and Catfighter Sunni Ray in a recent trip to Pittsburgh.  When she walked in the door our jaws dropped open with how naturally beautiful she is in person.  She is currently a "rough-cut" diamond, but brought with her one of the hardest working attitudes we've ever seen, and a genuine desire to be the best she could be.  We set out to teach her everything we could in the short amount of time we had together and this was her first lessons in scissoring and shooting a mixed wrestling scissor video.  In UTCS-204, Sunni Ray Scissoring, Sunni Ray is proud to show off her gym trained, 5'8" 165lb. physique in tiny bikini's, and she wore one of the skimpiest yellow thong slingshot bikini's in this video.  Every curve is a muscle with gorgeous Sunni Ray and she hip-throws King right to his back, then hops on him for the first of many sexy scissors, her powerful reverse scissor!  Four minutes in, Sunni Ray straddles King's neck in a schoolgirl pin, removes her top, and reveals her beautiful, natural breasts.  Then she flexes her biceps for Kip's camera topless.  There's some excellent close-ups of beautiful Sunni Ray torturing King in this offering.  Holds of note include: Takedown, front scissor, front figure 4, classic head scissor, classic figure 4, reverse scissor and reverse figure 4, and grapevine.  Sunni Ray is one of the hottest women in mixed wrestling, a true gem, you just don't know it yet!  TRT 15 minutes, enjoy!
  • One of the most popular session wrestlers of all time, is sexy Southern Belle Tyler Dare. In MW-129, Stand Me Up ... I'll Squeeze You Out, Dan had flaked out on Tyler for a session, during her last visit to Cleveland.  Giving her a lame excuse about his Grandmother being ill. This time around however, Tyler got a deposit from Dan,  so he shows up for his session. Tyler is no dummy, and she quickly figures out this is the dude who stood her up last time.  Now, she goes extra tough on him. Tyler's been hitting the gym hard and shows up in awesome condition, showing her lean body in a sexy sheer hot pink and purple bikini. She's proud to flex her hard biceps throughout this video, because she's darn near in the best shape of her life. Tyler is one of the best sessions around. Not only because she is super hot, or incredibly charming, but because she knows so many holds and counters and delivers them with precision and enthusiasm. We counted well over 50 holds and combinations (some repeated) but her startling expertise is on display throughout. Holds of note include: classic, front, side and reverse scissors, classic front, side and reverse figure 4's, grapevine, camel clutch, crucifix, schoolgirl pin, body scissor, full nelson, armbar and rear naked choke. If you're a fan of Tyler Dare, you'll love seeing this 32 minute, mixed wrestling, squeeze-fest. Sorry, we didn't have the time to put together a montage preview for this video, but there is a :35 second clip showing you the quality Utopia delivers, including excellent lighting, sound and camerawork, as Tyler completely crushes Dan.  Enjoy!
  • Sexy, session wrestling superstar Skylar Rene has been wrestling and scissoring Glenn all day and he's tapped seemingly a million times on the brink of being knocked out. We thought we were done when Glenn suggested a beatdown clip. Skylar incredulously says "You can't even take my scissors, what makes you think you can take my beatdown?" Kip stepped in and said "Let's just pick it up right here!" Skylar puts on her MMA gloves and starts whaling away at Glenn. A barrage of gut punches, a few well placed strikes to the chin, and a few knee lifts later, Glenn hits the deck. Skylar jumps on the big guy and then proceeds to punch and scissor him (sometimes both at the same time) for the the rest of the video. Skylar doesn't hold back at all because Glenn's still awake. After unleashing her full scissors repertoire, Skylar finally traps him in a figure 4 right across his jugular. This time she ignores his taps, and sends him off to dreamland. It's a pretty good one because Glenn fell off really fast and started snoring. Knockouts can be pretty scary, but I have to admit we got a little chuckle after this one! Presenting for your viewing pleasure: UTCS-52, Skylar Puts Glenn to Sleep! Enjoy!
  • Part 3 of The Quadrilogy is UTCS-75, Sheena vs. Nick and begins with Sheena dragging Nick to the mat under protest because he's just gotten trounced by Warrior Amazone. What follows is a 14 minute annihilation, as Sheena decides to simply show off by humiliating Nick and placing him in as many holds as possible in the time allotted. We counted 37 pro and amateur wrestling moves, holds, and scissors. Nick will literally never be the same, if he ever decides to work for us again. Sheena senses Nick's afraid of her. After all who hasn't heard of her take no prisoners attitude? So she figures she'll just get it out of the way at the jump, and make Nick's scissor nightmare a reality and locks the reverse figure 4 on him within the first 17 seconds! When Sheena let's him free, she drags him to the middle of the mat and bam, it's the straight leg reverse head scissor! We're 43 seconds in and he's had enough. But that doesn't stop Sheena, for the rest of the 14 minutes she literally turns Nick upside down and inside out. Enjoy!
  • During the filming of UTCS-175, The Scissor Squad Part 2, Sheena executes a one-arm shoulder throw (Ippon Seoinage) on Steve, sending him crashing to the mat.  Afterwards Bianca Blance asked Sheena if she would teach her how to do that, and the idea for this video was born. These 2 women have become great friends and Sheena is more than happy to turn Bianca into more of a badass than she already is. First Sheena and Bianca take turns lifting Flavio onto their shoulders and do squats as a warm up, then Sheena demonstrates the one-arm shoulder throw (Ippon Seoinage) throw on Flavio.  Then Bianca takes her turn, and they do it a few times until she has it right.  Sheena shows Bianca how to execute 2 more throws as well.  A pro wrestling "Monkey flip," and a traditional wrestling "Fireman's Carry."  The 2 women carry each throw to the mat and show some possibilities of holds they can apply on the ground so there are a few short holds demonstrated as well. Armbar, reverse scissor, and reverse figure 4.  A true one-of-a-kind clip only from UtopiaEntertainment.com  TRT 14 minutes, enjoy!
  • Sheena and Dominick have been dating for a little while and she's been hiding her session wrestling career from him. In Sheena Dominates Dominick, Sheena decides it's time to show him the "real" Sheena. When Dominick orders Sheena to come into the living room, she appears in a studded black bikini with fishnet stockings and gloves. Dominick thinks he's the alpha in the household, and says "Damn, the real you is sexy babe" but he has no idea what is about to unfold. Sheena goes over to where Dominick is sitting on the couch, clutches him by the throat and throws him to the floor. Then proceeds to scissor his face off! Within seconds he is in pure panic mode and tapping for his life. This is Dominick's first lesson in who is boss, how things are going to be different, and what she can do to him if he disobeys her. Sheena loves to see the desperation in his face as she presses her scissorholds. She lets up a few times so she doesn't knock him out right away, and teaches him to worship her muscles, and massage her. Sheena likes it hard and Dominick is cowering in submission, so she punishes him further. Holds featured are classic, front, side and reverse scissors. Classic, front, side, and reverse figure fours, ankle and foot chokes, standing scissors, straddles, triangles and in the end, she is standing over him flexing as he is forced to worship her awesome thighs and calves. Enjoy!
  • Sheena Breaks Lance!

    15 Mins. $14.95
    This video is actually a custom request that came through our jobber Lance. They wanted a beatdown clip starring Sheena with a foot worship twist. While at the Arnold we had our chance and this video was shot at the same time as UTCS-82, Personal Trainer Trouncing, with Sheena in contest condition. Sheena has really been spreading her wings recently and taking on all sorts or role-plays. She's more muscular, stronger and more accomplished than ever and she is one gorgeous, dangerous woman! In UTCS-85, Sheena Breaks Lance, Sheena comes back from the Gym and is tired and achy and wants Lance to rub her feet. When Lance tells her that her feet stink, this sets our Hungarian beauty into a fit. Sheena has the strength, stamina and expertise to beat almost anyone into submission and it's awesome to see her totally work Lance over. He's nearly 5" taller and 60 or so pounds heavier than her, but she controls him like a puppet. Punches, kicks, scissors, chokes, knee lifts, knee drops, butt bombs, stomping, trampling and ankle scissors abound!  And, the punches are real!  At one point Sheena strips his shirt off and chokes him with it from many different positions.  Holding him up while putting her perfect feet in his face.  In the end she sits on the broken man while slapping his face with her feet and flexing her big biceps. Awesome camerawork and lighting by Kip with some excellent angles.  If you're a fan of gorgeous muscular women, truly beating up a men UTCS-85, Sheena Breaks Lance is a must see. Enjoy!
  • After getting completely demolished by beautiful Hungarian wrestling and grappling superstar Sheena, in UTCS-46, Mixed Wrestling: The Way It Was Meant To Be, Lance tells Kip, Sheena got "lucky" and begs Kip to give him another shot. Kip immediately tells Sheena Lance's claim and Sheena promptly replies "I will punish him!" Lance hears this and attacks her from behind as Kip is interviewing her. This just infuriates Sheena, so she decides to make him her scissor victim! At one point while she has Lance in a front scissor, she tells him "I want to break your neck!" Sheena's powerful legs are so strong and her technique so perfect, I believe she could! Sheena makes good on her promise to punish Lance throughout, completely exhausting the big guy again and making him endure many scissors, smothers and even another cradle pin. Enjoy gorgeous Sheena, squeezing Lance in UTCS-48, I Will Punish Him!
  • Part 2 of UTCS-241, Shadowfax Humiliates Kip, picks up where Part 1 leaves off, with Kip hopelessly sandwiched in ShadowFax's grueling reverse figure 4. Then she straightens her maneating gams straight out and really puts the press on ol' Kip. He's all but out, and reduced to a shrieking, groveling piece of flesh for Shadowfax to devour. Kip is no slouch on the mat and has tons of wrestling experience, but at 5'10" and a solid, muscular 185 lbs., Shadoefax controls Kip like few women possibly could. When she releases the reverse scissor, Kip is ripe for her standing scissor. She uses her height and superior strength to completely leverage the hold as she flexes her huge biceps for our camera to capture. Then she uses Kip's back as a brace and lifts her feet off the ground for an aerial side scissor. Kip shows some strength and balance as he's able to support her weight, but she muscles him back down to the mat and ensnares him in a brutal side figure 4. She then traps one of his arms under her so he can't possibly escape. Shadowfax toys with Kip in this position, holding him hostage and flexing over him for over 3 minutes. Squeezing him nearly unconscious at her whim with jolts of full pressure. Next it's time for Shadowfax to end this charade. She pulls Kip's head up high and tight in an excruciating front scissor. She squeezes and relaxes over and over for another 3 minutes completely exhausting him. You can see he's on the verge many times, because he's being pressed beyond red, to white! Meekly taping his final submission, Shadowfax mercifully releases Kip and stands triumphantly over him, foot on chest, in a double bicep victory pose. Part 2 of Shadowfax Humiliates Kip is 11.5 minutes in length.  Enjoy!
  • Shadowfax is a beautiful, 5'10" 185 lb. female bodybuilding amazon. She is a take charge, no nonsense woman who doesn't like to be told "no," or take shit from anyone. When Kip tells her his wrestling victim dude is a "no-show," she demands answers and demands her payment. Kip makes the huge mistake of getting angry and tells her to "get out" and then an even bigger mistake when he pushes her. Ashley immediately pounces on Kip and secures him in a brutal headlock and throws him to the floor where she mounts him. This starts a 24 minute emasculating demolition, as Shadowfax thrashes Kip up, down, and sideways. Fans of prolonged scissor punishment will be especially happy with this offering, as several of her wrestling holds last over 3 minutes each! Kip is forced to clutch at her massive, unforgiving thighs, as she pours on the pressure with hip thrusting, leg snapping intensity. Shadowfax, on the other hand, has a look of utter glee, as she has Kip helpless, gurgling in pain, and on the verge of passing out the entire video. Holds of note in this total annihilation include: grapevine, body scissor, head scissor, figure 4, reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4. Please enjoy part 1 of UTCS-241, Shadowfax Humiliates Kip All is here and  Part 2 is here.  Enjoy!
  • Shadowfax is a beautiful, 5'10" 185 lb. female bodybuilding amazon. She is a take charge, no nonsense woman, who doesn't like to be told "no," or take flack from anyone. When Kip tells her his wrestling victim dude is a "no-show," she demands answers and demands her payment. Kip makes the huge mistake of getting angry and tells her to "get out" and then an even bigger mistake when he pushes her.  Ashley immediately pounces on Kip and secures him in a brutal headlock and throws him to the floor where she mounts him. This starts a 24 minute emasculating demolition, as Shadowfax thrashes Kip up, down, and sideways. Fans of prolonged scissor punishment will be especially happy with this offering, as several of her wrestling holds last over 3 minutes each! Kip has no choice but to clutch at her massive, unforgiving thighs, as she pours on the pressure with hip thrusting, leg snapping intensity. Shadowfax, on the other hand, has a look of utter glee, as she has Kip helpless, gurgling in pain, and on the verge of being knocked out the entire video. Holds of note in this total annihilation include: grapevine, hip thrust, headlock, body scissor, head scissor, figure 4, reverse head scissor, reverse figure 4, standing scissor, aerial side scissor, side figure 4, front scissor, front figure 4, victory pose and tons of gorgeous Shadowfax flexing her 15" biceps. Shadowfax is the real deal and right now she's on UtopiaEntertainment.com!  Enjoy!
  • Sexy mixed wrestler Scorpion comes to Utopia to deliver a proper British ass whipping of Glenn. She wears her sexiest leopard print leotard, fishnet stockings and high heels to distract her victim. Then she scissors him in nearly every hold she can think off. Crushing him with neck snapping precision and exhausting him, so he has no chance of escape. Scorpion has a reputation of being an awesome wrestler and grappler, and in this video she turns on her sensual, domineering side with scissors, scissors and more scissors! At one point while trapping him in a grapevine she tells him she is "Going to break him!" She knows Glenn doesn't like to be facesat. So she mounts him and locks him in her reverse figure 4, then sits right on the big guys mug. She pulls him high into her fantastic 25" thighs for a front scissor and spreads her legs wide so she can slam her thighs into the sides of his head. She flexes over him and laughs at his weakened state. Her final scissor is a reverse headscissor figure 4 combination that sucks his face deep within her muscular ass. It's literally breathtaking! We could go on and on, but picture's are worth a thousand words. Check out the sample clip. This a small taste of how lethal and sexy Scorpion can be. PLEASE NOTE: UTCS-40, Scorpion's Sting is a 18 minute full download available here in the Clips Store as a standalone, or in the Utopia Members' Area. Enjoy!
  • Athletic dominatrix Tasha Black returns to Utopia to show off her dynamite body, smooth skin, flexibility, and awesome scissoring skills. In UTCS-61, Scissors for Stretching, Tasha needs to stretch her long lean legs and asks Ed for help. Little does he know that Tasha uses brutal scissorholds latched around his head and neck to accomplish her goal. Tasha is ruthless, dressed in a minuscule silver bikini as she scissors Ed until he is complete putty in her legs! Tasha is a former track athlete and trained her legs 5 days a week to reach elite level. Later on she became a dancer which has kept them lean, muscular and devastating. When she tortures Ed with her hip-thrusting grapevine, we see the power in her lower body and completely understand why her body is so dangerous. Then she straddles his neck and grinds her pelvis right under Ed's chin. Next Tasha mashes Ed into oblivion with a front scissors, front figure 4, more front scissoring, another brutal straddle, and tops this sequence off with Ed trapped in her thick runners calves. Tasha has so completely thrashed Ed, that she makes him suck on her toes to complete his humiliation. Tasha Black is beautiful, dominant, deadly and completely whips Ed's ass in UTCS-61, Scissors for Stretching, 13.5 minutes with stereo sound. Enjoy!
  • Please Note: Scissors Brazilian Style is a smartphone friendly .mp4! It will play on all smartphones, PC's and Macs.

    Scissors Brazilian Style is part 3 of the 4 part Utopia production MW-55, The Monix Anthology! Beautiful, buff, Brazilian, Monix directs this video for her first ever. Monix destroyed Kip in part 2, and now she is taking over. Telling Kip where to stand, and telling Dominick where to sit, she turns on the ipod and starts to dance for the camera. Then the squeezing starts! Monix, looking fine in her frilly blue thong bikini, puts on a scissoring display as she has Dominick turning purple several times. Figure fours, reverse scissors, reverse figure 4, body scissors and choke holds are applied by Monix to punishing perfection. She makes him worship her muscles as she flexes and squeezes. Dominick's demise is complete when Monix places him in a brutal front scissor and starts her famous "Scissor Slams!" Then she works him in a series of "Scissor Snaps" while flexing that totally demolishes him. She stands over him victorious as he is forced to worship her muscles. The Scissors Brazilian Style is 16.5 minutes and 451mb by itself. Also check out Monix's Utopia Star Profile Here! Enjoy!

  • Duration: 107 minutes

    Ultra-hot figure competitor Kayley returns to Utopia in MW-107, Scissoring the Slob! Kayley, just 4 weeks out from competition, is lean and muscular, with her trademark 6-pack abs, amazing firm round tush, and perfectly sculpted legs. In this role-play, Kayley comes home tired and hungry from a day in the gym, and finds her slob boyfriend parked on the couch, clothes and trash everywhere, watching TV and getting ready to order take-out. When Hayley complains, he blows her off and asks for some 'Nookie' before he goes out to play poker with his buddies. This pisses Kayley off and she envisions scissoring some sense into him. But she agrees knowing this will get him onto the bed in a hurry. Kayley changes into her tiny red-lace bra and panty set and hops up onto the bed standing over him. In this moment he must have been the happiest man in the universe. However, Kayley lowers herself onto him and secures a body scissor / choke combination. Her hard legs crush his beer belly as her arms make it even harder to breathe. All he can do is clutch at the muscle that entraps him. Now softened up Kayley moves behind him and captures him in a classic head scissor / figure 4 combination. Her legs grind his neck into oblivion for the next 9 minutes, combining hip thrusts with good old-fashioned anger! Now it's time for Kayley to dial it up a notch with her infamous reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4 combo. Kayley is a master at inflicting maximum pain and torture while still keeping her victim's conscious. The unbearable pressure completely changes his attitude, but Kayley is not done. An aerial side scissor takes him to the edge of the bed, where Kayley climbs on for a devastating standing reverse scissor and front scissor. Flexing as she squeezes for the next 3+ minutes, Kayley shows her awesome body and total superiority as her slob boyfriend begs her to let him free. Kayley is one of the best bodies in mixed wrestling and she's here at Utopia in MW-107, Scissoring the Slob! Enjoy!
  • IFBB Pro Fitness woman Misfit Layla Mikayla returns to Utopia with her shredded physique and torturous scissorholds. In UTCS-111, Scissoring Him Senseless, Her boyfriend Steve rents them a hotel room in NYC to chill for the weekend. Problem is, like so many hotel suites in NYC, this one does not have enough room for Layla to properly stretch. But what really sets Layla off, is when she is asking Steve to get them a bigger room, Steve tells her he "Doesn't have time for her senseless drivel." That's when Misfit Layla tell him she's "going to scissor him senseless!" Layla gets behind Steve and straps on her brutal head scissor. Her legs are lean, striated and solid slabs of concrete. She's able to bite right into his carotid artery at the same time she smashes his ears right into his skull. It's one of the most painful and paralyzing scissorholds on the planet, and leaves no hope of escape. Then she pulls him higher into her thighs, crosses one leg under the other and leans back to unleash her jaw-cracking figure 4. Layla's calf muscle is right under his chin collapsing his Adam's apple, while making it hard for him to breathe and talk. Then she turns around for a reverse side scissor and side scissor 4 sequence. The crushing force she can wield from this position is staggering. Layla sexily writhes on the couch flexing and verbally demeaning him. She tells him you have 2 choices, get us a new room, or "I knock you the fuck out!" Which choice do you think Steve makes?  TRT 13 minutes, enjoy!
  • Duration: 79 minutes

    Stunning IFBB Pro She-Hulk comes to Utopia for her first ever mixed wrestling video! She-Hulk introduces herself to our fans and immediately exclaims 'Holy Shit, I Can Really Wrestle!' She then treats us to a nice little posing exhibition. Kip breaks out the measuring tape because She-Hulk is massive. Nearly 16' biceps, 25' thighs and 15' calves .. all encased in a 5'5' 155lb. beauty! We're not really sure what Steve said to She-Hulk before the match, but she proceeds to dominate and humiliate him. She-Hulk has no formal wrestling or grappling training but she knows her scissorholds and proves she's way stronger than him from the start. Gorgeous She-Hulk is a trash talking machine, but when she tells you she's not going to let you go, she means it. And she loves to take her time so he knows right from the start who owns him. The first head scissor, figure four combination is almost 6 minutes long by itself! Her side scissor and side 4 is 4.5 minutes and her reverse scissor is over 5 minutes long. It's fantastic! MW-79, Scissored by She-Hulk! features excellent lighting and camerawork along with plenty of amazing close-ups. You'll feel Steve's desperation and pain right along with him. Watch Steve clutch helplessly in this awesome amazons gargantuan gams, all while She-Hulk smiles, flexes and trash talks. In the end She-Hulk stands over her totally defeated foe, flexing and sexily smiling in a classic victory pose. She-Hulk's the 9th wonder of the world! MW-79, Scissored by She-Hulk! is 25 minutes in length, full HD 1920 x 1080, and 1.21gb. Enjoy!
  • Please Note: Scissor Practice is a smartphone friendly .mp4! It will play on all smartphones, PC's and Macs. It is also offered as a full length download within the members' area. This means if you join the members' area you can download the fulll length video for free

    IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and sexy Brazilian legend, Monix, stars in Utopia Entertainment's new production, "Scissor Practice!" Monix has not wrestled in a month or so and feels she needs some practice before her Utopia Entertainment Video debut. Dominick knows what's coming, but Monix can be very persuasive. Dressed in a very tiny blue and black thong, Monix puts the thighs to Dominick as only she can. Her muscular physique is awesome to behold. Tan, and flawlessly smooth her muscles ripple with power with every flex. Straight leg, figure 4, side scissors, reverse and reverse figure 4's are employed to make quick work of him, and Dominick worships her body in awe of the power it holds. I think you'll agree with Dominick that Monix is indeed ready for Utopia! This is part 1 of MW-55, The Monix Anthology! Scissor Practice is 8.5 minutes and 243mb by itself.

  • Duration: 69 minutes

    If you're a fan of female bodybuilding and wrestling, then you're probably a huge fan of Annie Rivieccio. So are we! That's why we jumped at the chase to shoot with Annie at a recent bodybuilding competition. Guys, this is the mixed wrestling movie you always wanted Annie to make. She comes to Utopia hard, huge, and wrestles with emotion and enthusiasm. Presenting MW-69, Scissor Alley! Nick gets lost while driving in a bad neighborhood. He pulls over at what he thinks is a church, but it is fact Psycho Annie's murderous mixed wrestling lair. Annie throws Nick down and proceeds to tear him apart limb from limb! Annie's grapevine practically rips Nick's knees out. When she hip thrusts him you can hear the wind leave his body. Her head scissors are brutal, and each massive 26' gam is thicker than Nick's whole head. Her body scissor practical cuts Nick in half, and she just laughs at his helplessness. And her reverse scissor is completely devastating. She snaps her hips when she catches him and nearly decapitates him. Annie completely dominates Nick physically, but it's her verbal assault that is equally as awesome. Nick tries to escape her clutches, but Annie pulls him back into yet another crushing hold and flexes over him while squeezing the snot out of him. Her headlock while pinning him in a grapevine will become legendary... not only from smashing his face with her bicep, but for biting him while doing it. Annie told us she 'got into the role' maybe 'a little too much' and Nick told us he 'imagined this is what a near death experience might be like.' Indeed Annie has Nick completely desperate for survival from start to finish. And in the end, Annie bends Nick backward over her knee and breaks his back! Check out the quality of the sample montage clip and pics, these are all direct lifts from the download. Also check out Annie's Utopia Star Profile where you can contact her for your own amazing mixed wrestling session. MW-69, Scissor Alley! is 30 minutes of intense mixed wrestling and scissoring action starring Annie Rivieccio at her best. Smartphone and tablet friendly, .mp4, 1280 x 720 high definition and 830mb. Enjoy!
  • Part 4 of Scissor Alley is when Annie Rivieccio finishes Nick for good. It starts with the one of the longest and most brutal grapevines we've ever witnessed. She hip-snaps him repeatedly, bites the top of his head, and smothers him with her massive biceps. Then she slams on top of him in a classic straddle where she flexes on top of him. Then she slams back down for another 1.5 minute grapevine. Then it's time for Annie to end him with a backbreaker. A victory pose with Annie showing us the goods closes things out! Part 4 of MW-69, Scissor Alley, is 6 minutes and only $5.95. The full 30 minute MW-69, Scissor Alley is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Annie's Utopia Star Profile here! Annie is Awesome!!!
  • In Part 3 of Scissor Alley, Annie Rivieccio tortures Nick in a variety of punishing scissorholds. It starts with a standing scissor sequence where Nick is on his hands and knees totally helpless. Annie tells him "She's not done with him!" then sends him to his back where she pounces on him and clamps him in a 2 minute long reverse head scissor. She snaps his head repeatedly as her gargantuan thighs engulf his head and neck. Then Annie maneuvers him into a crushing 4.5 minute figure 4 and throat scissor sequence that has Nick's eyes tearing up and desperately gasping for air from the constant grueling pressure. This is a must-see clip for fans of female bodybuilders dominating and humiliating men! Part 3 of MW-69, Scissor Alley, is 7.5 minutes and only $6.95. The full 30 minute MW-69, Scissor Alley is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Annie's Utopia Star Profile here! Watch Annie annihilate Nick!!
  • Part 2 of Scissor Alley, picks up where part 1 left off with Annie Rivieccio totally annihilating lost Nick. She straddles him flexing over him and Nick asks "What are you Lady?" her reply is "I'm the nightmare on scissor street!" And boy is she ever! She smashes down on him and captures him in a grapevine/neck crank combo where her huge bicep is smashing his jaw. Then she moves behind him and pulls him into a nearly 3 minute classic head scissor. Her massive 26" thighs practically put him out, then she switches to a figure 4. Flexing as she applies pressure, Nick's eyes well up with tears and you can see the fear etched on his face. Annie has him in trouble! Then Annie flips around and snares his head in a reverse scissor. He is face deep in her crack. She flips back around and locks Nick into a body scissor/neck crank where she tells him "I was arrested once, for violence towards men!" Then Annie ends part 2 with another head snapping classic head scissor. Part 2 of MW-69, Scissor Alley, is nearly 8 minutes long and only $6.95. The full 30 minute MW-69, Scissor Alley is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Annie's Utopia Star Profile here! This is Annie at her most active, scissoring, wrestling, dominating and smack talking best!
  • If you're a fan of female bodybuilding and mixed wrestling, then you're probably a huge fan of Annie Rivieccio. So are we! This is the mixed wrestling movie you always wanted Annie to make. She comes to Utopia hard, huge, and wrestles with emotion and enthusiasm. Presenting Scissor Alley! ... Part 1 starts with the short 1.5 minute back story. Nick gets lost while driving in a bad neighborhood. He pulls over at what he thinks is a church, but it is really Psycho Annie's murderous mixed wrestling lair. Annie throws Nick down and proceeds to tear him apart limb from limb! Annie's grapevine practically rips Nick's knees out. When she hip thrusts him you can hear the wind leave his body. Then her body scissors softens him up for the next 4 minutes of head scissoring that he is about to endure. She pulls him in hard and straps on a grueling front scissor. Snapping him over onto his back she maintains the hold while flexing AND snapping his head and neck. She tells him "You're in a bad neighborhood budy ... Scissor Alley!" Then she grabs his nuts just to let him know how bad things might get for him. She flips Nick over and traps him in a reverse scissor, throat scissor and throat figure 4. "I'm dangerously close to your manhood" she tells him and really pours on the pressure. We're not sure if Nick is crying or the tears are from her python-like squeeze, but his desperation is real! Annie is practically kllling him! Part 1 of MW-69, Scissor Alley, is nearly 8 minutes long and only $6.95. The full 30 minute MW-69, Scissor Alley is available as a whole in Downloads, or in 4 parts in the Utopia Clips Store. Check out: Annie's Utopia Star Profile here! Enjoy!
  • Duration: 81 minutes

    Sexy adult star and fitness enthusiast Kira Noir visits Utopia and produces with us one of the sexiest mixed wrestling role-play movies we've ever produced. MW-81, Schooled by the Schoolgirl features Kira wearing a super brief schoolgirl slingshot that barely hides Kira's amazing assets. When she reveals her stunning body on screen your eyes will pop out of your head. Kira's lean muscular physique is honed from years of pole dancing and when she visited Utopia she told us 'I'm in the best shape of my life!' When she threw us a bicep flex, our eyes popped out of our heads ... that is, until she flexed her lean, cut thighs. That's when we knew Jason was in real trouble. Not only is Kira beautiful and fit, she is athletic and strong. She flips and tosses Jason around the ring and scissors him from all sorts of angles. When she has his head high and deep within her powerful gams he's immediately gasping for air. When she flexes them together in her scissors, they become thick and rock-hard and he's seeing stars in nano-seconds. It's awesome! She gets Jason to choke several times, and we cut a few times because he was nearly unconscious. Kira can be downright mean at times and loves to neck-snap, scissor-jolt her victim to let him know who is in control. Then she flexes her beautiful biceps to show how powerful she is. All this with a smile on her beautiful face. She really gets into the role-play and her sexy little schoolgirl taunts combined with her neck-wrenching scissorholds is sure to make this movie your instant favorite. Check out the free sample montage. This is just a taste of what's in store as sexy Kira Noir thrashes Jason in the octagon. All the pictures promoting this movie are actual screen grabs from video. No faked photography ever on Utopia! MW-81, Schooled by the Schoolgirlis full HD 1920 x 1080 and 22 minutes in length. Enjoy!


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