
  • Part 2 of "Call Me Master" picks up where Part 1 leaves off, with pro powerlifter Morgan, letting Steve up to have a second chance. He thinks if they start "fair and square," he might have a prayer. No dice! Morgan is so strong and dominant, and so practiced recently from her grappling class, she puts Steve down right away. Once on the ground she belittle's him verbally, and humiliates him physically by placing him in a brutal side scissor, side figure 4 and throat scissor. She threatens to crack his jaw as she snaps her legs straight out and back to the figure 4. After 6+ minutes of this grueling torture she asks him if he's done and he begrudgingly says "yes." She replies "Great, I'll just finish you then," and she maneuvers him into a punishing, 3+ minute long, reverse scissor and reverse figure 4. Nobody has ever escaped from Morgan's reverse headscissor and frankly we don't even know how anyone survives. When she stands over her vanquished boyfriend in a classic victory pose, he's so spent, he agrees to call her "Master" for 2 full months!  Enjoy!
  • Pro powerlifter Morgan, returns home from grappling class feeling pretty good about herself. In class they were practicing scissorhold submissions and she tapped out everyone who got caught in between her massive 26" gams. Her boyfriend knows she's big and strong, but he is a disbeliever, thinking he could escape, her scissors "no problem."  So they make a bet, if he wins, she buys dinner. If she wins, he has to call her "Master" for 3 days. Morgan places the first scissor on him and makes him scream in agony as she nearly squashes his head like a watermelon. She challenges him to break free and you can witness Steve's genuine struggle. When he claws at her meaty underpinnings, you can see his handprints as he lets go in futility. Then she pushes him to the floor and mounts him with a grapevine, mashing him into the floor as she pins him and headlocks him too. He barely endures meany hip-thrusts designed to inflict as much pain as possible.  Then it's her rib-bending body scissor. He can't break free even when it's legs alone, but when she secures him in a rear naked choke, it's nearly lights out.  Laughing at his helplessness, Morgan makes him call her Master, and beg to be let free. Morgan is the queen of belittling men when caught in her grip and she taunts Steve throughout. Morgan can only be seen on Enjoy!

    Other excellent clips featuring Morgan!

    Morgan Rules! - Her first video ever in contest shape

    Admit You're Helpless! - In contest condition, shot on the same day as Morgan Rules!
    Morgan Powerlifts Him! - Awesome display of strength!

    Morgan's Scissor Torture! - Morgan scissors 2 different men into oblivion!

    Be Careful What You Wish For, Morgan Style - Glenn loves to be scissored, but Morgan is a beast!
  • Pro Powerlifter Morgan is a beast, and normally walks around at about 190lbs. She holds several powerlifting records and her strength is off-the-charts! This video was shot at the same time as Morgan Rules, and features 5'10" Morgan, in contest shape at around 158lbs., rock hard, with 15" biceps, 24" thighs, and 15" calves. Morgan is not one to parade around half naked, however Kip asks nicely and she wears the briefest bikini she's ever worn in a video! Her lean, yet muscle packed physique is on display throughout. In MW-116, Admit You're Helpless, her new boyfriend Derrick tells her he's thinking of getting back into shape by taking a wrestling class for "only $380 a month." Morgan thinks this is ridiculous, not only because $380 a month is an ostentatious amount of money, but Derrick is a klutz. He's pretty buff and strong, at 5'11" and 180lbs., but certainly not an accomplished wrestler. Morgan on the other hand was a star track athlete in high school and college, and even though she's not yet an expert wrestler, her scissorholds are paralyzing. She has that rare combination of muscle size, yet cable-like inner thighs that both crush your head and strangle you at the same time. Morgan challenges Derrick right away. If he can escape her wrestling holds, he can enroll in the class. So onto the mats they go. It's a little hard to tell on video, but every time he moves an inch, she clamps down with her inner thigh muscles, and prevents him from moving. He's completely helpless, and reduced to clutching at Morgan's magnificent legs that hold him prisoner. He valiantly tries to break free, but Morgan is relentless and never lets up. 30 minutes and 15 wrestling holds later, Derrick's wrestling dreams (and neck) are mashed into oblivion. Of particular note is the over 3 minute "Hangman" figure 4 that Morgan rolls him into. It's sexy and devastating at the same time! Other holds featured include, classic head scissors, classic figure 4, front head scissor, front figure 4, side head scissor, side scissor 4, body scissor with arm-in choke, camel clutch, surfboard, spladle pin, reverse head scissor, reverse figure 4 and victory pose in which Morgan flexes her impressive biceps over her vanquished foe. One of the things fans love about Morgan is her verbal mind game. She has a way of belittling and taunting her opponents that is really sexy and when she's done you're totally humiliated physically and mentally! Check out Morgan in the best shape of her life in MW-116, Admit You're Helpless! Enjoy!


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