wrist lock

  • Sheena is a woman who needs no introduction. So when Kip starts out playing it straight in UTCS-216, with a "Holy Shit this Woman Can Really Wrestle" opening, Sheena starts busting his chops.  She gives Flavio an even harder time when he flexes his bicep as Kip says "this woman!"  If you've ever seen any of Sheena's previous videos, you know 2 things. 1) she has a larger than life, fun-loving personality, and 2) she's a complete wrestling, grappling badass!  Few people can actually compete with her, let alone win a fall or match, Flavio being possibly one of them.  If you had the pleasure of watching  Flavio vs. Bianca, then you know Flavio has some skill, and is actually really crafty on the mat.  Sheena starts out strong and makes quick work of Flavio with a guillotine early on. But in the second fall, Sheena tries an underhook throw that backfires, and Flavio takes her back.  Flavio learned some lessons against Bianca, and this time stays on Sheena's back, relentlessly working for a rear naked choke and to everyone's surprise, he actually earns a tap-out.  That's right, Flavio submits Sheena with a rear naked choke / body triangle combination!  All that said, Flavio is tired after his brief victory and Sheena revenges her submission by completely working him over the rest of the match.  There are 6 submissions in this 10.5 minute contest. Enjoy!
  • This clip starring Maria Queen is very unique for Utopia for a few reasons.  1) We were in one of the most confined spaces we've ever shot, and  2) Maria insisted on grappling competitively.  3) Because of the first two reasons this became one of the most dangerous videos we've ever shot.  How we avoided serious injury is a miracle and why Nick continues to shoot with us after this trouncing, is a total mystery.  When we first arrived at Maria's hotel to shoot UTCS-110, Maria Queen Holds Court, and saw the tiny space she was doing sessions in, we suggested wrestling on the king size bed.  Nick was all about it, but Maria insisted we use the mats or we had no shoot.  She wanted to be portrayed as the serious grappler the is, or as a wrestling dominatrix (that video is coming later this year) but no cheesy role-plays or any other such nonsense.  Maria is a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but also has training in both Boxing and Muay Thai.  She loves to mix it up and is single minded of purpose ... tap her opponent out with bruising scissors, brutal joint locks, or crushing chokeholds as quickly as humanly possible.  Holds of note include: takedown, headlock, straddle, arm bar, kimora, grapevine, head scissor, figure 4, reverse head scissor, front scissor, front figure 4, body scissor, and rear naked choke.  There's also a couple of minutes with Maria wearing boxing gloves and testing Marine Nick's abs with some brutal body shots.  If you're a fan of reality based videos, it doesn't get more real than this!  TRT 19.5 minutes, enjoy!
  • Cypruss Allure is a beautiful, skilled Judoka who takes no prisoners on the mat. She's put on about 17 lbs of muscle since we first met her, so her combination of skill, strength and size make it nearly impossible for her opponent to escape when she gets on top. Possessing amazing balance, Cypruss now combines that with 25" tree trunk thighs!  Derrick is roughly 7" taller and 33 lbs. heavier but she proves once again, "size isn't everything!" Derrick has been embarrassed by Cypruss before, so in UTCS-119, Cypruss Allure Dismantles Derrick, he comes out determined to get at least one fall on her, but it takes her about 1 minute to take him down and submits him in an arm bar.  The rest of the match, Cypruss puts Derrick in a variety of Judo holds, throws, locks and submissions totally dismantling our young victim. Wearing her traditional judo gi, with her brown belt and bare legs, Derrick says midway through, "She's definitely earned that belt she's wearing!"  You'll love watching Cypruss Allure completely dominate Derrick on the mat.  TRT 17.5 minutes, enjoy!


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